Valorización para una empresa líder de consumo masivo en un contexto COVID-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el siguiente trabajo se presenta una propuesta integral para una consultoría de
negocios enfocada en una empresa líder de consumo masivo a nivel nacional y con
participación en la región. Esta propuesta, tiene como sus puntos principales desarrollar una
metodología de valoración de la empresa en un periodo proyectado de 10 años, así como un
análisis integral de los aspectos que definen la gestión de una empresa líder en este rubro y
del entorno donde se desarrolla el negocio. Para el logro de estos objetivos generales, se ha
elaborado una estructura de trabajo que se presenta a lo largo de diez capítulos desarrollados.
Inicialmente se describe un panorama general sobre el contexto que se desarrolla este
tipo de empresas del rubro de consumo masivo. Seguidamente, se presenta una explicación
sustentada del problema clave que gira en torno a la valoración de empresas como parte del
business consulting. Otro aspecto de relevancia presentado, es la revisión literaria relacionada
a los principales puntos o aspectos involucrados en la elaboración general del trabajo de tesis.
Para el punto relacionado netamente a la consultoría se presenta un procedimiento
metodológico de la misma, la cual se basa en cómo abordar a la empresa, como comprender
el problema, la comunicación, acceso de la información apropiada y como definir el
entregable final. Ya en el aspecto relacionado a la valoración de la empresa se presenta
diferentes métodos de valorización que existen actualmente y que son usados para valorar
una empresa a través del cálculo del valor de sus acciones. Una vez escogida la metodología,
la cual se basa en flujos de caja descontado, esta será detallada paso a paso para luego ser
aplicada en la valoración proyectada de las acciones comunes de una empresa líder de
consumo masivo en el Perú tomando como referencia datos públicos extraídos de la BVL o
de la SMV para posteriormente analizar y discutir los resultados obtenidos. Los capítulos
finales estarán basados en presentar las conclusiones finales de todo el análisis realizado a lo
largo de los capítulos anteriores, así como el reporte ejecutivo de consultoría.
The following work presents a comprehensive proposal for a business consulting focused on a leading consumer goods company nationwide and with participation in the region. This proposal has as its main points the development of a company valuation methodology in a projected period of 10 years, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the aspects that define the management of a leading company in this area and of the environment where the project is developed. deal. To achieve these general objectives, a work structure has been developed that is presented throughout ten developed chapters. Initially, a general panorama is described on the context that this type of companies of the mass consumption sector develops. Next, a supported explanation of the key problem that revolves around the valuation of companies as part of business consulting is presented. Another relevant aspect presented is the literary review related to the main points or aspects involved in the general preparation of the thesis work. For the point related to consulting, a methodological procedure is presented, which is based on how to approach the company, how to understand the problem, communication, access to appropriate information and how to define the final deliverable. Already in the aspect related to the valuation of the company, different valuation methods that currently exist and that are used to value a company through the calculation of the value of its shares are presented. Once the methodology has been chosen, which is based on discounted cash flows, it will be detailed step by step and then applied in the projected valuation of the common shares of a leading mass consumption company in Peru, taking as a reference public data extracted of the BVL or the SMV to later analyze and discuss the results obtained. The final chapters will be based on presenting the final conclusions of all the analysis carried out throughout the previous chapters, as well as the consulting executive report.
The following work presents a comprehensive proposal for a business consulting focused on a leading consumer goods company nationwide and with participation in the region. This proposal has as its main points the development of a company valuation methodology in a projected period of 10 years, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the aspects that define the management of a leading company in this area and of the environment where the project is developed. deal. To achieve these general objectives, a work structure has been developed that is presented throughout ten developed chapters. Initially, a general panorama is described on the context that this type of companies of the mass consumption sector develops. Next, a supported explanation of the key problem that revolves around the valuation of companies as part of business consulting is presented. Another relevant aspect presented is the literary review related to the main points or aspects involved in the general preparation of the thesis work. For the point related to consulting, a methodological procedure is presented, which is based on how to approach the company, how to understand the problem, communication, access to appropriate information and how to define the final deliverable. Already in the aspect related to the valuation of the company, different valuation methods that currently exist and that are used to value a company through the calculation of the value of its shares are presented. Once the methodology has been chosen, which is based on discounted cash flows, it will be detailed step by step and then applied in the projected valuation of the common shares of a leading mass consumption company in Peru, taking as a reference public data extracted of the BVL or the SMV to later analyze and discuss the results obtained. The final chapters will be based on presenting the final conclusions of all the analysis carried out throughout the previous chapters, as well as the consulting executive report.
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