La predictibilidad del comportamiento habitual de consumo en el marco del análisis de operaciones no reconocidas realizadas con tarjetas de crédito y/o débito
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los productos financieros como las tarjetas de crédito y débito nos brindan
múltiples beneficios; sin embargo, también existen riesgos inherentes a los
mismos. El principal riesgo es la materialización de operaciones no reconocidas,
que afecta directamente el patrimonio de los consumidores y afecta la confianza
en los productos antes mencionados.
En este contexto, se analizará la falta de predictibilidad en el análisis del
comportamiento habitual de consumo en el marco de una denuncia y/o reclamo por
la realización de operaciones no reconocidas con cargo a tarjetas de crédito o
cuenta de ahorros de los consumidores para evitar la discrecionalidad en la
interpretación del también denominado patrón de consumo.
Finalmente se concluirá con una propuesta de solución que consiste en el
establecimiento de un precedente de observancia obligatoria que permita
uniformizar el análisis por parte de la Administración para determinar el periodo en
el cual se deben contrastar las operaciones no reconocidas con el patrón de
consumo de un usuario, poder determinar si constituyen operaciones inusuales y
si habrían sido autorizadas correctamente o no.
Financial products such as credit and debit cards offer us multiple benefits; however, there are also risks inherent to them. The main risk is the materialization of unrecognized operations, which directly affects the patrimony of consumers and affects confidence in the aforementioned products. In this context, the lack of predictability in the analysis of habitual consumption behavior within the framework of a complaint and/or claim for carrying out unrecognized operations charged to consumer credit cards or savings accounts will be analyzed to avoid discretion in the interpretation of the so-called consumption pattern. Finally, it will be concluded with a solution proposal that consists of the establishment of a precedent of obligatory observance that allows to standardize the analysis by the Administration to determine the period in which the unrecognized operations must be contrasted with the consumption pattern of a user, to be able to determine if they constitute unusual operations and if they would have been correctly authorized or not.
Financial products such as credit and debit cards offer us multiple benefits; however, there are also risks inherent to them. The main risk is the materialization of unrecognized operations, which directly affects the patrimony of consumers and affects confidence in the aforementioned products. In this context, the lack of predictability in the analysis of habitual consumption behavior within the framework of a complaint and/or claim for carrying out unrecognized operations charged to consumer credit cards or savings accounts will be analyzed to avoid discretion in the interpretation of the so-called consumption pattern. Finally, it will be concluded with a solution proposal that consists of the establishment of a precedent of obligatory observance that allows to standardize the analysis by the Administration to determine the period in which the unrecognized operations must be contrasted with the consumption pattern of a user, to be able to determine if they constitute unusual operations and if they would have been correctly authorized or not.
Palabras clave
Comportamiento del consumidor--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Tarjetas de crédito--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Legislación--Perú
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