El uso de los cuentos como elemento transversal para el desarrollo integral en el II ciclo de Educación Básica Regular
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional se desarrolla a partir de una experiencia
relacionada al uso de los cuentos como elemento transversal para el desarrollo
integral en el II ciclo de Educación Básica Regular. El Problema identificado es:
¿Cómo se implementa el uso de los cuentos como elemento transversal para el
desarrollo integral en el II ciclo de EBR? Los objetivos son: reflexionar acerca de una
experiencia docente significativa basada en el uso de los cuentos como elemento
transversal para el desarrollo integral en el II ciclo de la Educación Básica Regular e
identificar las competencias desarrolladas desde la formación recibida en la Facultad
de Educación de la PUCP que contribuyeron en el desarrollo profesional, así como las
fortalezas y oportunidades de mejora al plan de formación inicial docente. La
metodología a utilizar es la narración reflexiva como proceso sistemático de reflexión
crítica sobre la Experiencia Docente Significativa y sobre las competencias
profesionales adquiridas en la Formación Inicial. Este tema es importante porque
después de la pandemia se creó una brecha en el aprendizaje en los niños y los
cuentos son esta estrategia que provoca la emoción para aprender cómo se sostiene
desde las neurociencias. Este trabajo pretende recoger los aportes de las
neurociencias y la pedagogía Waldorf para volver a traer los cuentos a las aulas de
manera más creativa y reforzando todos los aprendizajes no solo las competencias
comunicativas sino también en las otras áreas del aprendizaje favoreciendo así el
desarrollo integral del niño.
The following professional proficiency work is based on an experience related to the use of stories as a transversal element for the integral development in the II cycle of Regular Basic Education. The identified problem is: How the use of stories is implemented as a transversal element for the integral development in the II cycle of RBE? The objectives are: Reflect about a significant teaching experience based on the use of stories as a transversal element for the integral development in the II cycle of Regular Basic Education and identify the skills developed from the formation received at the Faculty of Education of PUCP that contributed to the professional development, as well as the strengths and opportunities for improvement to the initial teacher formation plan. The methodology to be used is reflective narration as a systematic process of critical reflection on Significant Teaching Experience and on the professional skills acquired in the initial formation. This topic is important because after the pandemic a gap was created in children’s learning and the stories are a strategy that provokes emotion for learning how is it sustained from neuroscience. This work aims to collect the contributions of neuroscience and Waldorf pedagogy to bring stories to the classrooms in a more creative way and reinforcing all learning, not only communicative skills but also in other areas of learning, thus promoting the integral development of the child.
The following professional proficiency work is based on an experience related to the use of stories as a transversal element for the integral development in the II cycle of Regular Basic Education. The identified problem is: How the use of stories is implemented as a transversal element for the integral development in the II cycle of RBE? The objectives are: Reflect about a significant teaching experience based on the use of stories as a transversal element for the integral development in the II cycle of Regular Basic Education and identify the skills developed from the formation received at the Faculty of Education of PUCP that contributed to the professional development, as well as the strengths and opportunities for improvement to the initial teacher formation plan. The methodology to be used is reflective narration as a systematic process of critical reflection on Significant Teaching Experience and on the professional skills acquired in the initial formation. This topic is important because after the pandemic a gap was created in children’s learning and the stories are a strategy that provokes emotion for learning how is it sustained from neuroscience. This work aims to collect the contributions of neuroscience and Waldorf pedagogy to bring stories to the classrooms in a more creative way and reinforcing all learning, not only communicative skills but also in other areas of learning, thus promoting the integral development of the child.
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