Plan estratégico de la Corporación Internacional Carrillo Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Corporación Internacional Carrillo ofrece el servicio de comercialización de
prendas de vestir para damas, caballeros, y niños, en las ciudades de Piura y Aguas
Verdes en el departamento de Tumbes. Su mercado objetivo comprende la población
de los niveles socio-económicos bajo, muy bajo, y marginal de las mencionadas
El propósito general de la presente tesis es dotar a la organización de una hoja
de ruta, que le permita lograr su visión a 2020. Para tal efecto se ha establecido la
misión organizacional, la misma que se enfoca en satisfacer las necesidades de
vestido y moda en el mercado objetivo, así como la formulación de los objetivos a
largo y corto plazo y las estrategias organizacionales, que permitirán alcanzar la
visión propuesta.
Para realizar la investigación se ha seguido el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso
Estratégico propuesto por D’Alessio (2008), el cual ha sido ampliamente utilizado en
diversos planes estratégicos sectoriales y empresariales.
Se ha realizado el análisis externo de la empresa, a través del análisis PESTE,
que involucra el estudio de las fuerzas del entorno: (a) políticas, gubernamentales, y
legales; (b) económicas y financieras; (c) sociales, culturales, y demográficas; (d)
tecnológicas y científicas; y (e) ecológicas y ambientales. De dicho análisis se derivó
la Matriz de Evaluación de Factores Externos (MEFE), la cual generó un valor de
2.75, indicando que la empresa tiene una adecuada respuesta a las oportunidades y
amenazas que el entorno le presenta.
De la misma forma se ha desarrollado la evaluación interna. Para tal efecto se
realizó el análisis interno AMOFHIT el cual incluye variables como: (a)
administración y gerencia; (b) marketing y ventas; (c) operaciones, logística, e infraestructura; (d) finanzas y contabilidad; (e) recursos humanos; (f) sistemas de
información y comunicaciones; y (g) tecnología e investigación y desarrollo. De dicha
evaluación surgió la Matriz de Evaluación de Factores Internos (MEFI), la cual cuenta
con 17 factores determinantes de éxito, 11 fortalezas y seis debilidades, generándose
el valor de 2.65 indicando que Corporación Internacional Carrillo es más fuerte que
Por otro lado, se han identificado los siguientes intereses organizacionales: (a)
incremento de participación de mercado, (b) incremento de la satisfacción de los
clientes, (c) desarrollo del potencial humano, (d) aumento de la rentabilidad, y (d)
generación de valor para los grupos de interés. Asimismo, los objetivos a largo plazo
de la organización se encuentran alineados con la visión y cumplen con las
características de ser específicos, medibles, alcanzables, retadores, y limitados en el
A continuación, en el Proceso Estratégico propiamente dicho, se han
elaborado cinco matrices: (a) la Matriz de Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades, y
Amenazas (MFODA); (b) la Matriz de Posicionamiento Estratégico y Evaluación de
la Acción (MPEYEA); (c) la Matriz de Boston Consulting Group; (d) la Matriz
Interna- Externa (MIE); y (e) la matriz de la Gran Estrategia (MGEA). Por otro lado,
con la Matriz de Decisión Estratégica (MDE), se eligieron siete estrategias específicas
cuya atractividad se ha determinado en la Matriz Cuantitativa de Planeamiento
Estratégico (MCPE). Finalmente las estrategias retenidas guardan un criterio ético, de
consistencia, consonancia, ventaja, y factibilidad.
A partir de la selección de las estrategias retenidas se elaboró la Matriz de
Estrategias vs. los Objetivos a Largo Plazo (OLP), y la Matriz de Posibilidades de los
Competidores que ayudó a determinar la capacidad de los competidores para hacerle
frente a las estrategias retenidas por la empresa. Respecto a la etapa de implementación estratégica se definieron 21 objetivos a
corto plazo (OCP) y los recursos asignados a cada uno de ellos, así como se
formularon las políticas de cada estrategia y mejoras a la estructura organizacional.
Posteriormente, se ha desarrollado la Evaluación Estratégica considerando las
cuatro perspectivas del Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI): (a) aprendizaje interno, (b)
procesos, (c) clientes, y (d) financiera, para monitorear el logro de los OCP y OLP.
Para finalizar, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones. Del mismo
modo que se presenta el futuro deseado para la organización, en el cual la empresa
para 2020 dispondrá de un alto nivel de posicionamiento y participación de mercado,
contará con locales comerciales de formato retail, con presencia en las principales
capitales de las provincias de Piura y Tumbes, ofreciendo excelente calidad en el
servicio a sus clientes, precios competitivos, marcas reconocidas, y productos de
Corporación Internacional Carrillo offers the service of marketing garments for ladies, gentlemen and children, in the cities of Piura and Tumbes-Aguas Verdes . Its target market includes the population of the socio-economic low, very low and marginal levels of the mentioned cities. The overall purpose of this thesis is to provide the organization of a "road map" to enable it achieve its vision in 2020 year. To this end it has established the organizational mission , the same that focuses on meeting the needs of dress and fashion in the target market. Also the formulation of objectives and long-and shortterm organizational strategies that will achieve the proposed vision. To perform the research has followed the Sequential Process Model of Strategic proposed by D'Alessio (2008), which has been widely used in various sectoral and strategic business plans. It has made the external analysis of the company through the PESTE analysis, which involves the study of environmental forces : (a)legal policies and government ; (b) economic and financial; (c) social, cultural and demographic; (d) technological and scientific; (e) ecological and environmental. From this analysis Matrix External Factor Evaluation (MEFE) was derived, which generated a value of 2.75, indicating that the company has an adequate response to the opportunities and threats that the environment presents. Likewise has developed internal evaluation. To this end was held AMOFHIT internal analysis which includes variables such as: (a) administration and management, (b) marketing and sales; (c) operations, logistics and infrastructure; (d) finance and accounting; (e) human resources; (f) information systems and communications; (g) technology and research and development. This assessment Evaluation Matrix Internal Factors (MEFI), which has 17 determinants of success, 11 strengths and six weaknesses, generating the value of 2.65 indicating that Carrillo International Corporation is stronger than weak arose. On the other hand we have identified the following organizational interests: (a) increase market share, (b) increasing customer satisfaction, (c) development of human potential, (d) increased profitability and (d) creating value for stakeholders . Also the long-term objectives of the organization are aligned with the vision and meet the characteristics to be specific, measurable, achievable, challenging and timelimited. Then in the Strategic Process itself, has produced five matrices: (a) Matrix Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (MFODA), (b) Matrix Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (MPEYEA); (c) Matrix Boston Consulting Group; (d) Internal-External Matrix (MIE) and (e) the parent of Grand Strategy (MGEA). In addition to the Strategic Decision Matrix (MDE), seven specific strategies whose attractiveness is determined for the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (MCPE) were chosen. Finally retained strategies keep an ethical criterion, consistency, consonance, advantage, and feasibility. Based on the selection of strategies retained Matrix Strategy vs. the Long Term Objetives, and Matrix Methods of competitors that helped determine the ability of competitors to face the strategies retained by the company was developed. Regarding the strategic implementation stage 21 short-term objectives (STO) and the resources allocated to each of them defined, and the policies of each strategy and organizational structure improvements were made. Subsequently developed the Strategic Assessment considering the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC): (a) internal learning, (b) processes, (c) customers, and (d) financial, to monitor the achievement of the OCP and PLO. Finally the conclusions and recommendations. Similarly to the desired organization, future in which the company in 2020 year will have a high level of positioning and market share, will feature stores retail format, with presence in major capitals of the presented provinces of Piura and Tumbes, providing excellent quality service to its customers, competitive prices, brands and quality products.
Corporación Internacional Carrillo offers the service of marketing garments for ladies, gentlemen and children, in the cities of Piura and Tumbes-Aguas Verdes . Its target market includes the population of the socio-economic low, very low and marginal levels of the mentioned cities. The overall purpose of this thesis is to provide the organization of a "road map" to enable it achieve its vision in 2020 year. To this end it has established the organizational mission , the same that focuses on meeting the needs of dress and fashion in the target market. Also the formulation of objectives and long-and shortterm organizational strategies that will achieve the proposed vision. To perform the research has followed the Sequential Process Model of Strategic proposed by D'Alessio (2008), which has been widely used in various sectoral and strategic business plans. It has made the external analysis of the company through the PESTE analysis, which involves the study of environmental forces : (a)legal policies and government ; (b) economic and financial; (c) social, cultural and demographic; (d) technological and scientific; (e) ecological and environmental. From this analysis Matrix External Factor Evaluation (MEFE) was derived, which generated a value of 2.75, indicating that the company has an adequate response to the opportunities and threats that the environment presents. Likewise has developed internal evaluation. To this end was held AMOFHIT internal analysis which includes variables such as: (a) administration and management, (b) marketing and sales; (c) operations, logistics and infrastructure; (d) finance and accounting; (e) human resources; (f) information systems and communications; (g) technology and research and development. This assessment Evaluation Matrix Internal Factors (MEFI), which has 17 determinants of success, 11 strengths and six weaknesses, generating the value of 2.65 indicating that Carrillo International Corporation is stronger than weak arose. On the other hand we have identified the following organizational interests: (a) increase market share, (b) increasing customer satisfaction, (c) development of human potential, (d) increased profitability and (d) creating value for stakeholders . Also the long-term objectives of the organization are aligned with the vision and meet the characteristics to be specific, measurable, achievable, challenging and timelimited. Then in the Strategic Process itself, has produced five matrices: (a) Matrix Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (MFODA), (b) Matrix Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (MPEYEA); (c) Matrix Boston Consulting Group; (d) Internal-External Matrix (MIE) and (e) the parent of Grand Strategy (MGEA). In addition to the Strategic Decision Matrix (MDE), seven specific strategies whose attractiveness is determined for the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (MCPE) were chosen. Finally retained strategies keep an ethical criterion, consistency, consonance, advantage, and feasibility. Based on the selection of strategies retained Matrix Strategy vs. the Long Term Objetives, and Matrix Methods of competitors that helped determine the ability of competitors to face the strategies retained by the company was developed. Regarding the strategic implementation stage 21 short-term objectives (STO) and the resources allocated to each of them defined, and the policies of each strategy and organizational structure improvements were made. Subsequently developed the Strategic Assessment considering the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC): (a) internal learning, (b) processes, (c) customers, and (d) financial, to monitor the achievement of the OCP and PLO. Finally the conclusions and recommendations. Similarly to the desired organization, future in which the company in 2020 year will have a high level of positioning and market share, will feature stores retail format, with presence in major capitals of the presented provinces of Piura and Tumbes, providing excellent quality service to its customers, competitive prices, brands and quality products.
Palabras clave
Industria del vestido--Perú--Piura, Planificación estratégica
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