Business consulting: “Optimización de procesos para el despacho de combustible a camiones cisterna en planta de ventas Iquitos”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Petróleos del Perú – PETROPERU S.A es una empresa estatal peruana de derecho privado
dedicado al procesamiento, distribución y comercialización de combustibles; cuenta con una
“Planta de Ventas Iquitos” en la ciudad de Iquitos con una capacidad de 105 mil barriles.
Dentro de la cadena de suministro de los combustibles, Planta de Ventas recibe productos
terminados de la Refinería Iquitos, mediante dos ductos subterráneos. El crecimiento
constante en los últimos 15 años del sector industrial, fluvial y automotor en la ciudad de
Iquitos repercutió en el incremento de la demanda de atención de la Planta de Ventas Iquitos,
por lo cual la capacidad instalada queda insuficiente. Se propone la mejora del Proceso de
Carga de Combustible Líquido con la implementación de un sistema de gestión automatizado
con aplicaciones tecnológicas especializadas.
Este terminal de despacho atraviesa diversos problemas en sus operaciones, siendo el
problema central de la investigación la demora de los tiempos de atención a sus clientes, por
tal motivo el centro de la investigación constituye el análisis de las causas que originan este
problema, para lo cual se aplicó como herramienta principal el método de Ishikawa. Esta
propuesta contempla la posible alternativa de solución basada en ampliar la capacidad de
despacho de combustible y mejorar el proceso de atención, en consecuencia, la reducción de
los tiempos en un 24% aproximadamente. Para lograr esta mejora se propone una inversión
de medio millón de dólares; lo cual genera una rentabilidad de una VAN de
aproximadamente tres millones de dólares, con una recuperación de la inversión en dos años.
El proyecto es rentable, factible y sostenible puesto que su implementación ampliará las
capacidades de atención y genera mayores ingresos, sin detener la operación y con impacto
positivo al medio ambiente.
Petróleos del Perú – PETROPERU S.A is a Peruvian state company under private law dedicated to the processing, distribution, and marketing of fuels. In the city of Iquitos there is a supply plant called “Iquitos Sales Plant”, which has the capacity to store liquid fuels in volumes of 105 thousand barrels. Within the supply chain of these products, the Sales Plant receives finished products from the Iquitos Refinery, through two (02) underground pipelines. The constant growth in the last 15 years of the industrial, fluvial, and automotive sector in the city of Iquitos has affected the increase in the volume of attention of the Iquitos Sales Plant, for which the installed capacity for dispatch is insufficient. We propose the improvement of the Liquid Fuel Loading Process by the implementation of an automated management system with specialized technological applications. This dispatch terminal goes through many operations, being the main problem of the research the delay in the time of serving the clients, for that reason the center of investigation constitutes the analysis of the causes that originates this problem, for that we used the Ishikawa Method as main tool. This proposal contemplates the possible alternative of solution based on expanding the capacity of fuel dispatch and improve the service process, and consequently reducing time by approximately 24%. To achieve this improvement, an investment of half a million dollars is proposed, which would generate a return as NPV of approximately three million dollars, that could be recovered in approximately two years. The project is profitable, feasible, and sustainable since its implementation will expand service capacities and generate higher income, without stopping the operation and will not have a negative impact on the environment.
Petróleos del Perú – PETROPERU S.A is a Peruvian state company under private law dedicated to the processing, distribution, and marketing of fuels. In the city of Iquitos there is a supply plant called “Iquitos Sales Plant”, which has the capacity to store liquid fuels in volumes of 105 thousand barrels. Within the supply chain of these products, the Sales Plant receives finished products from the Iquitos Refinery, through two (02) underground pipelines. The constant growth in the last 15 years of the industrial, fluvial, and automotive sector in the city of Iquitos has affected the increase in the volume of attention of the Iquitos Sales Plant, for which the installed capacity for dispatch is insufficient. We propose the improvement of the Liquid Fuel Loading Process by the implementation of an automated management system with specialized technological applications. This dispatch terminal goes through many operations, being the main problem of the research the delay in the time of serving the clients, for that reason the center of investigation constitutes the analysis of the causes that originates this problem, for that we used the Ishikawa Method as main tool. This proposal contemplates the possible alternative of solution based on expanding the capacity of fuel dispatch and improve the service process, and consequently reducing time by approximately 24%. To achieve this improvement, an investment of half a million dollars is proposed, which would generate a return as NPV of approximately three million dollars, that could be recovered in approximately two years. The project is profitable, feasible, and sustainable since its implementation will expand service capacities and generate higher income, without stopping the operation and will not have a negative impact on the environment.
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