Competitividad en la industria manufacturera peruana, 1985-1995
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
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En este trabajo se examinan los determinantes de la competitividad de la industria manufacturera peruana, mediante un modelo sencillo que incluye como variables explicativas fundamentales, la productividad de la mano de obra y el costo relativo del trabajo. Con este fin, se estima un índice de competitividad para 32 ramas de industriales, con información de exportaciones e importaciones que cubre el período 1985-1995, siguiendo la metodología de las ventajas comparativas reveladas. El costo de trabajo se mide en dólares corrientes; así se capta la influencia del tipo de cambio en la competitividad de las ramas industriales. El modelo también incorpora un índice de capacidad con el propósito de que los efectos de la productividad y de los costos de trabajo correspondan a niveles dados de utilización de la capacidad productiva. Los resultados del trabajo indican que en el período analizado, sólo 8 ramas de las 32 consideradas, ganan competitividad. La apertura comercial y el atraso cambiario aparecen como los responsables fundamentales de la pérdida de competitividad de un gran número de ramas industriales entre los años 1991-1995.
This paper is concerned with competition in the peruvian manufacturing industry. A simple model of competition is estimated in order to evaluate the influence of productivity changes and relative labor costs. With this purpose an index of competition was constructed for 32 industrial branches, with export and import data, following the revealed comparative advantages methodology. The period of analysis goes from 1985 to 1995. The labor costs are measured in current dollars. Hence, the exchange rate effects on the competitiveness of the industrial branches are taken into account by the labor cost variable. The model also includes an index of capacity utilization in order to estimate the net effects of productivity and labor cost on the industrial competitiveness. One of the most striking results of this research is that only 8 industrial branches out of 32 considered, won competitiveness during 1985-1995. The trade liberalization and the exchange rate overvaluation are the main responsible for the massive lost of industrial competitiveness during 1991-1995.
This paper is concerned with competition in the peruvian manufacturing industry. A simple model of competition is estimated in order to evaluate the influence of productivity changes and relative labor costs. With this purpose an index of competition was constructed for 32 industrial branches, with export and import data, following the revealed comparative advantages methodology. The period of analysis goes from 1985 to 1995. The labor costs are measured in current dollars. Hence, the exchange rate effects on the competitiveness of the industrial branches are taken into account by the labor cost variable. The model also includes an index of capacity utilization in order to estimate the net effects of productivity and labor cost on the industrial competitiveness. One of the most striking results of this research is that only 8 industrial branches out of 32 considered, won competitiveness during 1985-1995. The trade liberalization and the exchange rate overvaluation are the main responsible for the massive lost of industrial competitiveness during 1991-1995.
Palabras clave
Competencia económica--Perú, Manufacturas--Perú--1985-1995
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