Business consulting – Austral Group S.A.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Austral Group S.A.A. es una de las principales empresas pesqueras del Perú, y es
parte del conglomerado noruego Austevoll Seafood ASA. Cuenta con cuatro instalaciones de
producción en las ciudades de Ilo, Pisco, Chancay y Chimbote para la fabricación de harina
de pescado, aceite de pescado y pescado congelado. Este business consulting evalúa de
manera integral todo el negocio a partir de la identificación de elementos internos y externos
procedentes de la matriz FODA, durante el proceso se utilizan herramientas de análisis y
priorización para direccionar finalmente el estudio hacia una de las ramas del negocio con
mayor oportunidad de crecimiento, el consumo humano directo (CHD); teniendo como
principal problema identificado su bajo crecimiento, debido a la baja adaptabilidad de la
organización con la naturaleza de la cadena de suministro.
La solución propuesta incluye mejoras en la operación actual de CHD en Coishco que
promueven un incremento del abastecimiento de materia prima y la eficiencia de planta; y
una inversión de capital en la instalación de una nueva línea de congelados en la planta de
Pisco, que es una locación óptima para el abasto de materia prima por la cercanía a las
principales zonas de captura y puertos de desembarco de jurel, caballa, bonito, perico y pota;
con mejor pronóstico de volumen y margen que las otras dos alternativas evaluadas en
Coishco y Paita. Esta ampliación de la infraestructura en congelados para el negocio se
requiere invertir 9.5 millones de dólares a ejecutarse en un período de 12 meses, otorgando
una capacidad adicional de congelamiento de 250 TM/día, siendo satisfactorios los resultados
financieros esperados del proyecto, con una TIR de 19.53%, un payback de 2.92 años, una
utilidad neta promedio de 12.1% y un VAN de 3.15 millones de dólares en un flujo de caja
proyectado a cinco años.
Austral Group S.A.A. is one of the leading fishing companies in Peru, it is part of the Norwegian group Austevoll Seafood ASA. It has four production factories located in the cities of Ilo, Pisco, Chancay and Chimbote, dedicated to the production of fishmeal, olive oil, fish, and frozen. This business consulting comprehensively evaluates the entire business from the identification of internal and external elements from the SWOT matrix, during the process analysis and prioritization tools are used to finally direct the study towards one of the branches of the business with the greatest opportunity for growth, the direct human consumption (CHD); having as the main problem identified its low growth, due to the low adaptability of the organization with the nature of the supply chain. The proposed solution includes improvements in CHD's current operation in Coishco that promote an increase in raw material supply and plant efficiency; and a capital investment in the installation of a new freezing line at the Pisco plant, which is an optimal location for raw material supply due to its proximity to the main catch areas and landing ports for jack mackerel, mackerel, bonito, perico and giant squid; with better volume and margin forecasts than the other two alternatives evaluated in Coishco and Paita. This expansion of the frozen infrastructure for the business requires an investment of US$9.5 million to be executed over a 12-month period, providing an additional freezing capacity of 250 MT/day. The expected financial results of the project are satisfactory, with an IRR of 19.53%, a payback of 2.92 years, an average net profit of 12.1% and an NPV of US$3.15 million in a projected five-year cash flow.
Austral Group S.A.A. is one of the leading fishing companies in Peru, it is part of the Norwegian group Austevoll Seafood ASA. It has four production factories located in the cities of Ilo, Pisco, Chancay and Chimbote, dedicated to the production of fishmeal, olive oil, fish, and frozen. This business consulting comprehensively evaluates the entire business from the identification of internal and external elements from the SWOT matrix, during the process analysis and prioritization tools are used to finally direct the study towards one of the branches of the business with the greatest opportunity for growth, the direct human consumption (CHD); having as the main problem identified its low growth, due to the low adaptability of the organization with the nature of the supply chain. The proposed solution includes improvements in CHD's current operation in Coishco that promote an increase in raw material supply and plant efficiency; and a capital investment in the installation of a new freezing line at the Pisco plant, which is an optimal location for raw material supply due to its proximity to the main catch areas and landing ports for jack mackerel, mackerel, bonito, perico and giant squid; with better volume and margin forecasts than the other two alternatives evaluated in Coishco and Paita. This expansion of the frozen infrastructure for the business requires an investment of US$9.5 million to be executed over a 12-month period, providing an additional freezing capacity of 250 MT/day. The expected financial results of the project are satisfactory, with an IRR of 19.53%, a payback of 2.92 years, an average net profit of 12.1% and an NPV of US$3.15 million in a projected five-year cash flow.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Industria pesquera--Perú
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