El derecho a la educación y los conflictos armados: Cuando la violencia opaca la esperanza y el desarrollo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo analiza las lesiones que se configuran contra el derecho fundamental a la educación en el marco de los conflictos armados. Para ello se hace un repaso de los alcances y contenido del derecho fundamental, así como de la situación de los conflictos armados en el presente siglo, donde algunos enfrentamientos parecen perennizados. Como tal, se ha determinado que los conflictos armados y el perjuicio que cometen contra el proceso educativo terminan afectando a toda la comunidad educativa, siendo los estudiantes los que llevan la peor parte. Asimismo, la situación involucra tanto a agentes pasivos como también, en el caso de los menores, cuando estos últimos intervienen de forma activa como “niños soldado”. Finalmente, se resalta la urgencia de adoptar medidas más efectivas en torno a la problemática, teniendo en cuenta que en el Perú, debido a los conflictos en el VRAEM, la situación se encuentra presente, afectando a un sector vulnerable que ve su integridad constantemente en riesgo, pero también se alejan de cualquier oportunidad de progreso al verse truncado su acceso a la educación. Las políticas a adoptarse demandan todo el apoyo y esfuerzo de la comunidad nacional e internacional.
This work analyzes the injuries that are configured against the fundamental right to education in the context of armed conflicts. For this, a review is made of the scope and content of the fundamental right, as well as the situation of armed conflicts in this century, where some confrontations seem perennial. As such, it has been determined that armed conflicts and the damage they commit against the educational process end up affecting the entire educational community, with students bearing the brunt. Likewise, the situation involves both passive agents and also, in the case of minors, when the latter actively intervene as “child soldiers”. Finally, the urgency of adopting more effective measures around the problem is highlighted, taking into account that in Peru, due to the conflicts in the VRAEM, the situation is present, affecting a vulnerable sector that constantly sees its integrity in risk, but they also shy away from any opportunity for advancement as their access to education is truncated. The policies to be adopted require all the support and efforts of the national and international community.
This work analyzes the injuries that are configured against the fundamental right to education in the context of armed conflicts. For this, a review is made of the scope and content of the fundamental right, as well as the situation of armed conflicts in this century, where some confrontations seem perennial. As such, it has been determined that armed conflicts and the damage they commit against the educational process end up affecting the entire educational community, with students bearing the brunt. Likewise, the situation involves both passive agents and also, in the case of minors, when the latter actively intervene as “child soldiers”. Finally, the urgency of adopting more effective measures around the problem is highlighted, taking into account that in Peru, due to the conflicts in the VRAEM, the situation is present, affecting a vulnerable sector that constantly sees its integrity in risk, but they also shy away from any opportunity for advancement as their access to education is truncated. The policies to be adopted require all the support and efforts of the national and international community.
Palabras clave
Derechos fundamentales, Educación, Conflictos armados, Docentes, Estudiantes
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