Planeamiento estratégico de la empresa prestadora de servicios de saneamiento Cajamarca S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El acceso al agua potable es considerado un derecho fundamental de todas las
personas en la mayoría de países del mundo, de igual modo es considerado base para el
desarrollo de toda sociedad; particularmente, la provincia de Cajamarca posee grandes
reservas hídricas que no se están siendo aprovechadas eficientemente, lo que ha traído como
consecuencia la falta de este servicio de saneamiento para aproximadamente el 14% de la
población de las localidades de Cajamarca, San Miguel y Contumazá. La empresa prestadora
de servicios de saneamiento SEDACAJ S.A. es la encargada de la gestión y prestación de
tales servicios en las localidades indicadas, los principales problemas que afectan a la
organización son (a) la injerencia política bajo la cual se encuentra, debido a que los
propietarios son las Municipalidades Provinciales de Cajamarca, San Miguel y Contumazá; y
(b) la poca eficiencia como organización debido a que su fuerza laboral no está preparada
para hacer frente a los retos actuales; problemas que deberían solucionarse para que la
empresa pueda cumplir con sus objetivos organizacionales.
Los últimos gobiernos peruanos han establecido como política de Estado, lograr el
acceso universal a los servicios de saneamiento hasta el año 2030, y gracias a la estabilidad
económica que el Perú está viviendo, se están destinando importantes recursos financieros
para el logro de este objetivo; sin embargo, por falta de capacidad de gestión de la empresa
prestadora de servicios de saneamiento SEDACAJ S.A. no se han podido llevar adelante
proyectos de impacto que solucionen de manera sostenible la falta de los servicios de
saneamiento. Las estrategias propuestas se enfocan en ampliar y mejorar la capacidad
operativa de la empresa y de esta manera aprovechar el recurso hídrico con el que se cuenta,
para esto es necesario que la organización tenga la capacidad de desarrollar proyectos de
impacto y luego, lógicamente operarlos de manera eficiente, la organización debe aprovechar
que el Perú tiene un buen momento económico y puede financiar este tipo de proyectos.
Access to drinking water is considered a fundamental right of all people in most countries of the world. In the same way, it is considered the basis for the development of every society. Particularly, the province of Cajamarca has large water reserves that are not being used efficiently. The result of this is a lack of proper water and sanitation services for approximately 14% of the population of the districts of Cajamarca, San Miguel and Contumaza. The company that provides this sanitation services -SEDACAJ S.A.- is responsible for the management and supply of such services in the indicated locations. The main problems that affect SEDACAJ are (a) the political interference by the owners that are the Provincial Municipalities of Cajamarca, San Miguel and Contumaza, and (b) poor efficiency since its workforce is not duly prepared to face the actual challenges; these are problems that should be solved in order to have SEDACAJ fulfilling its organizational goals. The last Peruvian governments have established as a priority to achieve universal access to sanitation services for the people towards 2030. Thanks to the economic stability that Peru is experiencing nowadays, important financial resources are being allocated to achieve this objective. However, due to inadequate administration of SEDACAJ it has not been possible to carry out impact projects that could sustainably solve the problems on local sanitation services. The proposed strategies in this document are focused on expanding and improving the operational capacity of this entity and to take advantage of the available water resource. For this, it is necessary for SEDACAJ to have the capacity to develop impact projects and operate them efficiently. SEDACAJ should take advantage of the fact that Peru has a good economic moment and can finance these types of projects.
Access to drinking water is considered a fundamental right of all people in most countries of the world. In the same way, it is considered the basis for the development of every society. Particularly, the province of Cajamarca has large water reserves that are not being used efficiently. The result of this is a lack of proper water and sanitation services for approximately 14% of the population of the districts of Cajamarca, San Miguel and Contumaza. The company that provides this sanitation services -SEDACAJ S.A.- is responsible for the management and supply of such services in the indicated locations. The main problems that affect SEDACAJ are (a) the political interference by the owners that are the Provincial Municipalities of Cajamarca, San Miguel and Contumaza, and (b) poor efficiency since its workforce is not duly prepared to face the actual challenges; these are problems that should be solved in order to have SEDACAJ fulfilling its organizational goals. The last Peruvian governments have established as a priority to achieve universal access to sanitation services for the people towards 2030. Thanks to the economic stability that Peru is experiencing nowadays, important financial resources are being allocated to achieve this objective. However, due to inadequate administration of SEDACAJ it has not been possible to carry out impact projects that could sustainably solve the problems on local sanitation services. The proposed strategies in this document are focused on expanding and improving the operational capacity of this entity and to take advantage of the available water resource. For this, it is necessary for SEDACAJ to have the capacity to develop impact projects and operate them efficiently. SEDACAJ should take advantage of the fact that Peru has a good economic moment and can finance these types of projects.
Agua potable--Perú--Cajamarca, Saneamiento--Perú--Cajamarca, Planificación estratégica
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