Nanitas SOS, propuesta de implementación de servicios de contratación de nanas, cuyo propósito es contribuir con la independencia económica de mujeres otorgando un puesto de trabajo digno y formal.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo identifica el problema actual que sufren hoy en día los padres de
familia en el cuidado de sus menores hijos. Por otro lado, la solución a este problema busca
que los padres puedan tener acceso de manera segura y sencilla para obtener apoyo en esta
área. A su vez, se busca fomentar mayor trabajo para las mujeres en igualdad de condiciones,
generándoles la oportunidad de conseguir un trabajo digno.
La solución planteada es crear la empresa Nanitas SOS quien ofrecerá un servicio en
línea de colocación de personal para el cuidado de niños, en el cual, el usuario podrá filtrar
según sus necesidades específicas y acceder al perfil de las nanas y su documentación
principal; tales como exámenes psicológicos, antecedentes y recomendaciones. Todo ello
acompañado de un reporte de seguimiento del estatus del servicio cada seis meses. Nanitas
SOS es una solución en la cual, un padre de familia desde la comodidad de su hogar puede
realizar entrevistas con diversas alternativas de nanas ya evaluadas a detalle, este servicio
brinda una suscripción anual, la misma que incluye beneficios adicionales.
Nanitas SOS es una empresa que está dirigida a los niveles socioeconómicos A y B
de Lima Moderna, de los cuales, más del 95% cuentan con acceso a internet. (Asociación
Peruana de Investigación de Mercados [APEIM], 2020) lo cual nos permite tener un mercado
Por otro lado, Nanitas SOS es un modelo socialmente sostenible ya que se encuentra
alineada con las ODS 5, 8 y 11, no solo buscando generar rentabilidad financiera sino poder
brindar oportunidades a mujeres que desean acceder a un trabajo que les incluya todos sus
beneficios sociales. A nivel económico es sostenible y viable, ya que proyecta el crecimiento
exponencial de sus ventas. Se proyecta un VAN de S/. 4,428,195 y un TIR de 70.47% para
los próximos 10 años.
The present business plan identifies an issue that mostly all parents go through: housekeeping and supervision of their children. The solution we introduce in this paper aims directly at the issue of finding help in a secure and simple manner, as well as providing employment opportunities. We introduce this solution by Nanitas SOS, a new concept of hiring babysitters through an application, in which the user will be able to filter their needs according to a certain profile, recommendations, and other details such as psychological examinations and background checks. All of this will be possible from the comfort of user's houses, or anywhere with an internet connection and a smartphone. The service includes an annual subscription accompanied by additional benefits such as a babysitter replacement and different lessons. Nanitas SOS is a company with a considerable expansion potential, due to its business model, which is directed to socioeconomic levels determined as "A" and "B", in which 95% of users have an internet connection. (Asociación Peruana de Investigación de Mercados [APEIM], 2020). Also, we view our company as a socially sustainable one. As well as making profits, we focus on aiding women in finding decent jobs, which include all benefits provided by law. We work according to SDGs 5, 8 and 11. Finally, Nanitas SOS is economically sustainable and feasible, given that it projects an increasement in sales. For the next decade, we estimate an NPV of S/4,428,195 and an IRR of 70.47%.
The present business plan identifies an issue that mostly all parents go through: housekeeping and supervision of their children. The solution we introduce in this paper aims directly at the issue of finding help in a secure and simple manner, as well as providing employment opportunities. We introduce this solution by Nanitas SOS, a new concept of hiring babysitters through an application, in which the user will be able to filter their needs according to a certain profile, recommendations, and other details such as psychological examinations and background checks. All of this will be possible from the comfort of user's houses, or anywhere with an internet connection and a smartphone. The service includes an annual subscription accompanied by additional benefits such as a babysitter replacement and different lessons. Nanitas SOS is a company with a considerable expansion potential, due to its business model, which is directed to socioeconomic levels determined as "A" and "B", in which 95% of users have an internet connection. (Asociación Peruana de Investigación de Mercados [APEIM], 2020). Also, we view our company as a socially sustainable one. As well as making profits, we focus on aiding women in finding decent jobs, which include all benefits provided by law. We work according to SDGs 5, 8 and 11. Finally, Nanitas SOS is economically sustainable and feasible, given that it projects an increasement in sales. For the next decade, we estimate an NPV of S/4,428,195 and an IRR of 70.47%.
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