Efectos del arraigo laboral en la intención de rotación en trabajadores limeños
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La rotación laboral tiene un impacto directo en cómo las organizaciones lidian con su personal y
funciones, además de generar sobrecostos, pérdida del know how, capacitación constante de
personal nuevo, etc. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo el describir la relación entre el arraigo
laboral y la intención de rotación en una muestra de trabajadores limeños. La investigación
incluyó a 134 trabajadores de entre 20 y 71 años (M=37.59; DE=14.25). Para responder al
propósito de la investigación se emplearon la escala de arraigo laboral en su versión corta y una
escala de intención de rotación. De manera general, los adultos tardíos presentaron mayores
niveles de arraigo laboral, mayor tiempo promedio trabajando en una misma organización,
además de presentar menores intenciones de rotar a su empleo actual en comparación a los adultos
emergentes y medios. Los resultados indicaron que el arraigo laboral es un buen predictor en la
decisión de no rotar de trabajo (r²=.36). Para profundizar en dicha relación, se recomienda replicar
la investigación en una muestra más heterogénea.
Labor turnover has a direct impact on how organizations deal with their personnel and functions, in addition to generating cost overruns, loss of know-how, constant training of new personnel, etc. and the intention of rotation in a sample of Lima workers. The research included 134 workers between the ages of 20 and 71 (M = 37.59; SD = 14.25). To respond to the purpose of the research, the scale of labor roots in its short version and a scale of intention to rotate were used. In general, late adults present higher levels of job embeddedness, longer average time working in the same organization, in addition to presenting lower intentions to change their current job. The results indicated that job embeddedness is good predictor in the decision of stay in the same job (r² = .36). To deepen this relationship, it is recommended to replicate the research in a more heterogeneous sample.
Labor turnover has a direct impact on how organizations deal with their personnel and functions, in addition to generating cost overruns, loss of know-how, constant training of new personnel, etc. and the intention of rotation in a sample of Lima workers. The research included 134 workers between the ages of 20 and 71 (M = 37.59; SD = 14.25). To respond to the purpose of the research, the scale of labor roots in its short version and a scale of intention to rotate were used. In general, late adults present higher levels of job embeddedness, longer average time working in the same organization, in addition to presenting lower intentions to change their current job. The results indicated that job embeddedness is good predictor in the decision of stay in the same job (r² = .36). To deepen this relationship, it is recommended to replicate the research in a more heterogeneous sample.
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