La implementación de un programa de cumplimiento efectivo como eximente o atenuante de responsabilidad por infracciones administrativas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de los programas de cumplimiento e inicialmente explora su tratamiento como eximente y atenuante de responsabilidad en materia penal, para luego, analizar las posibilidades y manifestaciones de dicha institución como parte del ordenamiento administrativo sancionador peruano. Nuestra propuesta parte de tomar en consideración la sujeción de los ordenamientos normativos sancionadores al denominado ius puniendi Estatal, y en este sentido, nos inclinamos por la inclusión –y adecuación en base a los matices propios del derecho administrativo sancionador– de los programas de cumplimiento efectivos como un eximente o atenuante de la responsabilidad administrativa.
This paper addresses the study of compliance programs and initially explores their treatment as exemptions and mitigations factors of responsibility in criminal matters, and then analyzes the possibilities and manifestations of said institution as part of the Peruvian sanctioning administrative system. Our proposal is based on taking into account the subjection of the sanctioning administrative system to the so-called ius puniendi, and in this sense, we are inclined to include –and adapt based on the nuances of the sanctioning administrative law– of effective compliance programs as an exemption or mitigation of administrative responsibility.
This paper addresses the study of compliance programs and initially explores their treatment as exemptions and mitigations factors of responsibility in criminal matters, and then analyzes the possibilities and manifestations of said institution as part of the Peruvian sanctioning administrative system. Our proposal is based on taking into account the subjection of the sanctioning administrative system to the so-called ius puniendi, and in this sense, we are inclined to include –and adapt based on the nuances of the sanctioning administrative law– of effective compliance programs as an exemption or mitigation of administrative responsibility.
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