Análisis del elemento “por razón del cargo” en el delito de peculado doloso y su tratamiento en los casos “Quince Millones” y “Diarios Chicha”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo gira alrededor del elemento “por razón del cargo” del
delito de peculado. Sobre él, el autor define sus alcances e implicancias a partir de los
aportes realizados por la doctrina y la jurisprudencia nacionales, no sin antes presentar un
panorama general acerca de cada uno de los componentes objetivos y subjetivos que
estructuran la tipicidad de dicho injusto. Es precisamente en ese trayecto que se traslucen
las razones por la que este elemento normativo es considerado, sino como el más, como
uno de los más importantes del delito de peculado. A continuación, se comentan dos
sentencias expedidas por la Corte Suprema de Justicia en relación con los procesos
seguidos contra el expresidente Alberto Fujimori como presunto autor del delito de
peculado doloso por apropiación en los sonados casos “Quince Millones” y “Diarios
Chicha”. Sin embargo, como subraya el autor, la forma en que el elemento “por razón del
cargo” fue aplicado en uno y otro caso fue disímil, cuando no contradictoria, pese a la
similitud de la imputación fáctica. Sobre esa base, el autor argumenta su adhesión a la
sentencia que resolvió condenar al exmandatario y su discrepancia respecto a la que lo
absolvió. Con todo, el presente trabajo demuestra el decisivo papel que juega este
complejo elemento normativo a la hora de definir la responsabilidad jurídico-penal de
una persona.
This article revolves around the element "by reason of the charge" of the crime of embezzlement. About it, the author defines its scope and implications based on the contributions made by national doctrine and jurisprudence, but not before presenting a general panorama about each of the objective and subjective components that structure the typicality of said unfair. It is precisely in this path that the reasons why this normative element is considered, if not the most, as one of the most important of the crime of embezzlement, emerge. Next, two judgments issued by the Supreme Court of Justice are discussed in relation to the proceedings against former President Alberto Fujimori as the alleged perpetrator of the crime of intentional embezzlement by appropriation in the socalled “Quince Millones” and “Diarios Chicha” cases. However, as the author emphasizes, the way in which the element "by reason of the position" was applied in both cases was dissimilar, if not contradictory, despite the similarity of the factual accusation. On that basis, the author argues his adherence to the sentence that decided to convict the former president and his discrepancy with respect to which he acquitted him. However, the present work demonstrates the decisive role that this complex normative element plays when defining the legal-criminal responsibility of a person.
This article revolves around the element "by reason of the charge" of the crime of embezzlement. About it, the author defines its scope and implications based on the contributions made by national doctrine and jurisprudence, but not before presenting a general panorama about each of the objective and subjective components that structure the typicality of said unfair. It is precisely in this path that the reasons why this normative element is considered, if not the most, as one of the most important of the crime of embezzlement, emerge. Next, two judgments issued by the Supreme Court of Justice are discussed in relation to the proceedings against former President Alberto Fujimori as the alleged perpetrator of the crime of intentional embezzlement by appropriation in the socalled “Quince Millones” and “Diarios Chicha” cases. However, as the author emphasizes, the way in which the element "by reason of the position" was applied in both cases was dissimilar, if not contradictory, despite the similarity of the factual accusation. On that basis, the author argues his adherence to the sentence that decided to convict the former president and his discrepancy with respect to which he acquitted him. However, the present work demonstrates the decisive role that this complex normative element plays when defining the legal-criminal responsibility of a person.
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