Efectos de la música con contenido nacionalista en la identidad nacional y en el clima emocional durante la crisis sanitaria por la Covid-19 en el Perú: un estudio experimental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Objetivo: la presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos de una canción con
contenido nacionalista en los componentes de la identidad nacional y clima emocional de los
peruanos durante la crisis sanitaria por la Covid-19. Método: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo
de tipo experimental y contó con la participación de 196 personas (M = 27.06; DE = 9.98). Los
participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a tres grupos experimentales con distintas
condiciones musicales: canción con contenido nacionalista (n= 69), canción con contenido
neutro (n= 67), canción sin contenido lírico (n= 60). Resultados: en el contexto de la crisis
sanitaria, no existen diferencias significativas en la valoración de los estímulos musicales, ni los
efectos de los mismos en los indicadores de identidad nacional y clima emocional respecto a lo
que se esperaba. Conclusiones: esto se discute desde los hallazgos de Schmitz y Espinosa (2014)
sobre el tema de la disonancia en la información. En ese sentido, la canción con contenido
nacionalista generó disonancia y por ende no tuvo impacto esperado en los indicadores de
identidad nacional y clima emocional. Además, cabe resaltar que, la intensidad del estímulo
musical no fue presentado de manera constante lo que podría haber mitigado su efecto.
Objective: the purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of a song with nationalist content on the components of national identity and emotional climate of Peruvians during the Covid-19 health crisis. Method: a quantitative experimental study was carried out with the participation of 196 people (M = 27.06; DE = 9.98). Participants were randomly assigned to three experimental groups with different musical conditions: song with nationalistic content (n= 69), song with neutral content (n= 67), song without lyrical content (n= 60). Results: in the context of the health crisis, there are no significant differences in the valuation of musical stimuli, nor in their effects on the indicators of national identity and emotional climate with respect to what was expected. Conclusions: this is discussed through the findings of Schmitz and Espinosa (2014) on the subject of dissonance in information. In this sense, the song with nationalistic content generated dissonance and therefore did not have the expected impact on the indicators of national identity and emotional climate. In addition, it should be noted that the intensity of the musical stimulus was not presented constantly, which could have mitigated its effect.
Objective: the purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of a song with nationalist content on the components of national identity and emotional climate of Peruvians during the Covid-19 health crisis. Method: a quantitative experimental study was carried out with the participation of 196 people (M = 27.06; DE = 9.98). Participants were randomly assigned to three experimental groups with different musical conditions: song with nationalistic content (n= 69), song with neutral content (n= 67), song without lyrical content (n= 60). Results: in the context of the health crisis, there are no significant differences in the valuation of musical stimuli, nor in their effects on the indicators of national identity and emotional climate with respect to what was expected. Conclusions: this is discussed through the findings of Schmitz and Espinosa (2014) on the subject of dissonance in information. In this sense, the song with nationalistic content generated dissonance and therefore did not have the expected impact on the indicators of national identity and emotional climate. In addition, it should be noted that the intensity of the musical stimulus was not presented constantly, which could have mitigated its effect.
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