Relación entre pensamiento crítico e inteligencia emocional en ejecutivos sudamericanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación estudió la relación entre el pensamiento crítico y la inteligencia
emocional. Para encontrar esta relación se usaron los constructos de ambas variables. La
investigación usó un diseño no experimental transversal y un enfoque cuantitativo de alcance
explicativo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 114 ejecutivos de mandos medios y altos de
los sectores retail, banca y educación superior privada de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Para el
análisis de los datos se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y el software SmartPLS
3. Se concluyó que el pensamiento crítico tiene una relación significativa con la inteligencia
emocional, con un p-value de 0.046. Los resultados mostraron que las dimensiones
inferencia, reconocimiento de asunciones, deducción, interpretación y evaluación de
argumentos del pensamiento crítico se relacionan significativamente con la dimensión
entender las emociones de la inteligencia emocional.
This research studied the relationship between critical thinking and emotional intelligence. To find this relationship, the constructs of both variables were used. The research used a non-experimental transversal design, a quantitative approach of explanatory scope. The sample was made up of 114 executives of middle and upper management from the retail, banking and private higher education sectors from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. For data analysis, a structural equation model and SmartPLS 3 software were used. It was concluded that critical thinking has a significant relationship with emotional intelligence, with a p-value of 0.046. The results showed that the dimensions inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation and evaluation of critical thinking arguments are significantly related to the understanding emotions dimension of emotional intelligence.
This research studied the relationship between critical thinking and emotional intelligence. To find this relationship, the constructs of both variables were used. The research used a non-experimental transversal design, a quantitative approach of explanatory scope. The sample was made up of 114 executives of middle and upper management from the retail, banking and private higher education sectors from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. For data analysis, a structural equation model and SmartPLS 3 software were used. It was concluded that critical thinking has a significant relationship with emotional intelligence, with a p-value of 0.046. The results showed that the dimensions inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation and evaluation of critical thinking arguments are significantly related to the understanding emotions dimension of emotional intelligence.
Palabras clave
Pensamiento crítico, Inteligencia emocional