Planeamiento estratégico de la industria de prendas de vestir de exportación en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La industria de prendas de vestir en Perú es un sector económico con un alto potencial
de generación de ingresos y de empleo. Sin embargo, debido al vertiginoso crecimiento de los
países asiáticos y al importante apoyo recibido de sus gobiernos, como incentivos a las
exportaciones, la competitividad de estos países ha permitido que ganen una importante
participación en el comercio internacional de prendas de vestir. Desde la exportación de
insumos como el algodón y la maquila para prendas de vestir de fast fashion, países como
China, Bangladesh y Vietnam mantienen un liderazgo indiscutible. El presente documento
tiene como finalidad presentar un plan estratégico que destaque las principales ventajas
competitivas con las que cuenta la industria de prendas de vestir del Perú, y las variables
externas que deben considerarse para aumentar la competitividad en el comercio
A través de un cuidadoso análisis de los datos económicos y la realización de
entrevistas con expertos del sector, empresarios y diseñadores de moda, se ha decidido
establecer el diseño inspirado en las últimas tendencias internacionales, acompañado de
insumos de calidad como la base y factor diferenciador que permitirá a la industria de
prendas de vestir peruanas posicionarse en el primer lugar del mercado latinoamericano. La
visión será la guía para que el Perú supere a sus competidores, a través de objetivos
establecidos a largo plazo, que se encuentran apoyados en estrategias basadas en factores
claves de los éxitos internos y externos previamente identificados. Finalmente, el estratega es
el protagonista y principal actor de este proceso ya que debe formularlo y velar por su
correcta implementación (D’Alessio, 2015). En el presente trabajo se considera fundamental
el trabajo coordinado en equipo de instituciones, gremios y empresas para el éxito en la
implementación y control de la presente propuesta
The garment industry in Peru is an economic sector with a high potential for income generation and employment. However, due to the rapid growth of the Asian countries and the important support received from their governments, as an incentive to exports, the competitiveness of these countries has allowed them to gain a significant share in international clothing trade. From the export of inputs, such as cotton, and the sourcing for garments of fast fashion, countries such as China, Bangladesh and Vietnam maintain an indisputable leadership. The purpose of this document is to present a strategic plan, highlighting the main competitive advantages of the garment industry in Peru, and the external variables that should be considered to increase competitiveness in international trade. Through a careful analysis of the economic data and conducting interviews with sector experts, businessmen and fashion designers, it has been decided to establish the design based on the latest international trends, accompanied by quality inputs, such as the base and factor differentiator that will allow the Peruvian garment industry to position itself in the first place of the Latin American market. The vision will be the guide for Peru to outperform its competitors, through long-term established objectives, which are supported by strategies based on previously identified internal and external key success factors. Finally, the strategist is the protagonist and main actor of this process since he must formulate it and ensure its correct implementation (D’Alessio, 2015). In the present work it is considered fundamental the coordinated work in team of institutions, unions and companies for the success in the implementation and control of the present proposal
The garment industry in Peru is an economic sector with a high potential for income generation and employment. However, due to the rapid growth of the Asian countries and the important support received from their governments, as an incentive to exports, the competitiveness of these countries has allowed them to gain a significant share in international clothing trade. From the export of inputs, such as cotton, and the sourcing for garments of fast fashion, countries such as China, Bangladesh and Vietnam maintain an indisputable leadership. The purpose of this document is to present a strategic plan, highlighting the main competitive advantages of the garment industry in Peru, and the external variables that should be considered to increase competitiveness in international trade. Through a careful analysis of the economic data and conducting interviews with sector experts, businessmen and fashion designers, it has been decided to establish the design based on the latest international trends, accompanied by quality inputs, such as the base and factor differentiator that will allow the Peruvian garment industry to position itself in the first place of the Latin American market. The vision will be the guide for Peru to outperform its competitors, through long-term established objectives, which are supported by strategies based on previously identified internal and external key success factors. Finally, the strategist is the protagonist and main actor of this process since he must formulate it and ensure its correct implementation (D’Alessio, 2015). In the present work it is considered fundamental the coordinated work in team of institutions, unions and companies for the success in the implementation and control of the present proposal
Palabras clave
Industria del vestido--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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