Modelo prolab: EcoStep, energía limpia para empresas con alta afluencia de público
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Una de las causas más probables del cambio climático es la emisión de los gases de
efecto invernadero, producido principalmente por el uso de combustibles fósiles. En la
actualidad muchas organizaciones están priorizando el uso de energías limpias para reducir su
impacto en la huella de carbono. Según entrevistas realizadas a altos directivos de empresas
con alta afluencia de público (centros comerciales, retail, terminales terrestres, entre otros),
sus organizaciones buscan ser más sostenibles con el medio ambiente, a través de la
reducción de su consumo energético, asimismo, requieren que sus proyectos en sostenibilidad
sean de un costo y tiempo de implementación óptimo.
Considerando estas necesidades, se propone una solución disruptiva: baldosas
inteligentes EcoStep, energía limpia basada en las pisadas de las personas. EcoStep
constituye un piso formado por baldosas piezoeléctricas a ser instaladas en los ingresos de
centros con alta afluencia de público, ofreciendo interacción con el público y su
concientización. Además, la empresa recibe reconocimiento de marca sostenible y disminuye
su impacto en la huella de carbono.
Para la evaluación y desarrollo de este proyecto se ha realizado un estudio detallado
de marketing y operaciones, de la misma manera se ha realizado un análisis financiero del
proyecto para evaluar su factibilidad. Se pretende iniciar este emprendimiento desarrollando
los primeros proyectos en centros comerciales en la ciudad de Lima, para realizar
posteriormente una escalabilidad en otros sectores de alta afluencia de público en todo el
territorio peruano. De esta manera con una inversión inicial de US $127,706 y una
proyección de operación de cinco años, se ha obtenido un VAN de US$ 867,520 y una Tasa
Interna de Retorno de 97%, por lo que se concluye que la solución propuesta es totalmente
viable. Por otro lado, el VAN social obtenido es USD 1,252,301, teniendo una relevancia en
las ODS 7,8 y 13 de las Naciones Unidas.
One of the most probable causes of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases, produced mainly by the use of fossil fuels. Currently, many organizations are prioritizing the use of renewable energies to reduce their impact on the carbon footprint. According to interviews conducted with senior managers of companies with a high influx of public (shopping centers, retail, bus terminals, among others), their organizations seek to be more sustainable with the environment, through the reduction of their energy consumption, likewise, they require that your projects in sustainability have an optimal cost and implementation time. Considering these needs, a disruptive solution is proposed: EcoStep smart tiles, clean energy based on people's footsteps. EcoStep constitutes a floor formed by piezoelectric tiles to be installed at the entrances to centers with a high influx of public, offering interaction with the public and their awareness. In addition, the company receives sustainable brand recognition and decreases its carbon footprint impact. For the evaluation and development of this project, a detailed study of marketing and operations has been carried out, in the same way a financial analysis of the project has been carried out to evaluate its feasibility. It is intended to start this venture by developing the first projects in shopping centers in the city of Lima, to later carry out scalability in other sectors with a high influx of public throughout the Peruvian territory. In this way, with an initial investment of US $127,706 and an operation projection of five years, a NPV of US$ 867,520 and an Internal Rate of Return of 97% have been obtained, for which it is concluded that the proposed solution is totally viable. On the other hand, the social VAN obtained is USD 1,252,301, having a relevance in the SDGs 7,8 and 13 of the United Nations.
One of the most probable causes of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases, produced mainly by the use of fossil fuels. Currently, many organizations are prioritizing the use of renewable energies to reduce their impact on the carbon footprint. According to interviews conducted with senior managers of companies with a high influx of public (shopping centers, retail, bus terminals, among others), their organizations seek to be more sustainable with the environment, through the reduction of their energy consumption, likewise, they require that your projects in sustainability have an optimal cost and implementation time. Considering these needs, a disruptive solution is proposed: EcoStep smart tiles, clean energy based on people's footsteps. EcoStep constitutes a floor formed by piezoelectric tiles to be installed at the entrances to centers with a high influx of public, offering interaction with the public and their awareness. In addition, the company receives sustainable brand recognition and decreases its carbon footprint impact. For the evaluation and development of this project, a detailed study of marketing and operations has been carried out, in the same way a financial analysis of the project has been carried out to evaluate its feasibility. It is intended to start this venture by developing the first projects in shopping centers in the city of Lima, to later carry out scalability in other sectors with a high influx of public throughout the Peruvian territory. In this way, with an initial investment of US $127,706 and an operation projection of five years, a NPV of US$ 867,520 and an Internal Rate of Return of 97% have been obtained, for which it is concluded that the proposed solution is totally viable. On the other hand, the social VAN obtained is USD 1,252,301, having a relevance in the SDGs 7,8 and 13 of the United Nations.
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