Implantación de una norma jurídica e implementación de canales virtuales para enfrentar el problema de alta incidencia del delito Contra la Fe Pública (falsedad genérica en la modalidad de suplantación de identidad vehicular — “clonación” de vehículos) en la transferencia de vehículos automotores por compraventa con placas duplicadas en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desmantelamiento de un vehículo y su comercio ilegal es la secuela conocida
posterior al robo o hurto de un vehículo. También por su empleo en la comisión de otros delitos. La "clonación" y la “extorsión” se han agregado a estos resultados de carácter negativo. Si no fuera suficiente su despojo que por sí es grave, ocurre que su perpetración genera además una grave afectación a terceros cuando se destina a la “clonación”. Esta práctica delictiva, consiste en regrabar los códigos de identificación de un vehículo lícito a otro de iguales características robado o hurtado, no sin antes obtener de las Entidades y de modo irregular, el duplicado de su placa y tarjeta de identificación, cuyo ciclo de gestión se inicia en las comisarías con denuncias falsas aduciéndose pérdida o robo. En los últimos años la “clonación” de vehículos ha elevado su incidencia y los esfuerzos en su atención se tornan insuficientes, presentando las entidades involucradas, condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Por consiguiente, el proyecto propone cambios innovadores para enfrentar este grave problema: 1. La implantación de una norma jurídica que obligue la gestión del certificado policial de identificación vehicular en el proceso de transferencia de vehículo por compraventa con placas duplicadas; y 2. La implementación de una eficiente disponibilidad de canales virtuales entre las instituciones comprometidas con el problema. Estos son: La implementación de interoperabilidad del certificado policial de identificación vehicular y la implementación también de un servicio en línea a través del portal institucional para visualización y/o impresión del mencionado certificado. En suma, estas intervenciones innovadoras cuentan con viabilidad organizacional, económica y normativa; que representan una integral propuesta para enfrentar con efectividad el delito de falsedad genérica en la modalidad de suplantación de identidad vehicular — “clonación” de vehículo.
The dismantling of a vehicle and its illegal trade is the well-known sequel after the robbery or theft of a vehicle. Also for its use in the commission of other crimes. The "cloning" and extortion has been add to these result of negative character. If his dispossession was not enough, it is serious that his perpetration also generates a serious of affectation to third parties when it is used for "cloning". This criminal practice consists of re-engraving the identification codes of a lawful vehicle to another one with the same robbery or theft characteristics, not without first obtaining from the entities and in an irregular manner, the duplicate of its license plate and identification card, whose management cycle It starts in police stations with false allegations claiming loss or theft. In recent years the "cloning" of vehicles has increased its incidence and efforts in their care become insufficient, presenting the entities involved, conditions of vulnerability. Therefore, the project proposes innovative changes to face this serious problem: 1. The implementation of a legal rule that forces the management of the police certificate of vehicular identification in the process of transfer of vehicle by buying and selling with duplicate plate; and 2. The implementation of an efficient availability of virtual channels among the institutions committed to the problem. These are: The implementation of interoperability of the police identification police certificate and the implementation of an online service through the institutional portal for visualization and/or printing of said certificate. In short, these innovative interventions have organizational, economic and regulatory viability; which represent a comprehensive proposal to effectively face the crime of generic falsehood in the form of vehicle identity impersonation — vehicle "cloning".
The dismantling of a vehicle and its illegal trade is the well-known sequel after the robbery or theft of a vehicle. Also for its use in the commission of other crimes. The "cloning" and extortion has been add to these result of negative character. If his dispossession was not enough, it is serious that his perpetration also generates a serious of affectation to third parties when it is used for "cloning". This criminal practice consists of re-engraving the identification codes of a lawful vehicle to another one with the same robbery or theft characteristics, not without first obtaining from the entities and in an irregular manner, the duplicate of its license plate and identification card, whose management cycle It starts in police stations with false allegations claiming loss or theft. In recent years the "cloning" of vehicles has increased its incidence and efforts in their care become insufficient, presenting the entities involved, conditions of vulnerability. Therefore, the project proposes innovative changes to face this serious problem: 1. The implementation of a legal rule that forces the management of the police certificate of vehicular identification in the process of transfer of vehicle by buying and selling with duplicate plate; and 2. The implementation of an efficient availability of virtual channels among the institutions committed to the problem. These are: The implementation of interoperability of the police identification police certificate and the implementation of an online service through the institutional portal for visualization and/or printing of said certificate. In short, these innovative interventions have organizational, economic and regulatory viability; which represent a comprehensive proposal to effectively face the crime of generic falsehood in the form of vehicle identity impersonation — vehicle "cloning".
Palabras clave
Robo de vehículos de motor--Perú--Lima, Vehículos de motor--Falsificaciones--Perú--Lima, Vehículos de motor--Legislación--Perú--Disposiciones penales
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