Diagnóstico operativo de la Empresa Distribuidora Mercantil S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Diagnóstico Operativo Empresarial detalla la gestión operativa de la
empresa Distribuidora Mercantil S.A.C. (DIMERSA), con el objetivo de analizar la situación
actual y proponer mejoras en su proceso productivo y de soporte, que le permitan incrementar
la rentabilidad, competitividad y sostenibilidad en el mercado. Para ello se aplicaron los
conocimientos recibidos en la Maestría en Administración Estratégica de Empresas.
DIMERSA es una empresa que tiene como área de influencia la región San Martín,
con sede principal en la ciudad de Tarapoto y dos tiendas anexas en Bellavista y en Picota. La
empresa se dedica a comercializar productos electrodomésticos y para el hogar, el análisis en
este trabajo de investigación comprende el perfeccionamiento del diseño del proceso
productivo y de soporte mediante mejoras en la estructura orgánica, en la planeación, en la
reposición de mercadería, en el incentivo al personal, en la optimización del área de ventas,
en la optimización de la gestión de costos, entre otras; teniendo en cuenta la próxima entrada
al mercado regional de grandes centros comerciales que ofrecerán dura competencia en el
sector, de tal forma que la empresa continúe siendo rentable y sostenible en el tiempo.
El presente estudio propone mejoras a la empresa que según los análisis a cinco años,
le representarían un aumento de las utilidades acumuladas de S/ 5’136,385; con una inversión
de S/ 2’318,870 en ese mismo periodo de tiempo
This Operational Business Diagnostic details the operative management of the company Distribuidora Mercantil S.A.C. - DIMERSA, with the objective of analyzing the current situation and proposing improvements in its production and support process, which will allow to increase its profitability, competitiveness and sustainability in the market, for which the knowledge received in the Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management was applied. DIMERSA is a company that has its area of influence in the San Martin region, with its headquarters in the city of Tarapoto and two stores, one in the districts of Bellavista and another in Picota. The company deals with selling home appliances and household products. The analysis in this research includes the improvement of the design of the process through improvements in the organic structure, in the planning, in the replacement of merchandise, in the incentives to the personnel, optimization of the sales area, optimization of cost management, among others; taking into account the upcoming entry into the regional market of large shopping centers that will offer hard competition in the sector, in such a way that the company will be profitable and sustainable over time. This study proposes improvements to the company that, according to the five-year analysis, would represent an increase in accumulated profits of S/ 5’136,385; with a capital investment of S/ 2’318,870 in that same period
This Operational Business Diagnostic details the operative management of the company Distribuidora Mercantil S.A.C. - DIMERSA, with the objective of analyzing the current situation and proposing improvements in its production and support process, which will allow to increase its profitability, competitiveness and sustainability in the market, for which the knowledge received in the Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management was applied. DIMERSA is a company that has its area of influence in the San Martin region, with its headquarters in the city of Tarapoto and two stores, one in the districts of Bellavista and another in Picota. The company deals with selling home appliances and household products. The analysis in this research includes the improvement of the design of the process through improvements in the organic structure, in the planning, in the replacement of merchandise, in the incentives to the personnel, optimization of the sales area, optimization of cost management, among others; taking into account the upcoming entry into the regional market of large shopping centers that will offer hard competition in the sector, in such a way that the company will be profitable and sustainable over time. This study proposes improvements to the company that, according to the five-year analysis, would represent an increase in accumulated profits of S/ 5’136,385; with a capital investment of S/ 2’318,870 in that same period
Producción -- Administración, Planificación de la producción