Proyecto de innovación para la mejora del Programa del Vaso de Leche a cargo de los gobiernos locales a nivel nacional mediante la ventanilla única de datos PVL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
En Perú, la población con pobreza monetaria no ha disminuido significativamente, si
comparamos las estadísticas oficiales del INEI entre los años 2013 y 2019, solo se
redujo el 3.7% de la pobreza, y si comparamos con el año 2022, la cifra se incrementa
en 3.6% a la tasa de la pobreza de hace diez años, es decir, 27.5% de pobreza
monetaria a nivel nacional; esto sintoniza con los índices persistentes de la
vulnerabilidad a la inseguridad alimentaria.
Dichas condiciones socio económicas de un considerable grupo poblacional pobre o
extremo pobre, da lugar para que perduren intervenciones de apoyo alimentario para
disminuir la inseguridad alimentaria, como el caso del Programa del Vaso de Leche,
creado en la década de los ’80, el cual fue impulsado a nivel nacional tras una
experiencia descentralizada y vinculada al aspecto político durante el liderazgo de
Alfonso Barrantes Lingán en Ia Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima.
Sin embargo, en las últimas dos décadas, se ha evidenciado dificultades en la eficiencia
y funcionamiento del Programa de Vaso de Leche (PVL), por lo que el problema público
que abordaremos en la presente investigación consiste en la “ineficiente ejecución del
Programa de Vaso de Leche a cargo de los gobiernos locales a nivel nacional entre los
años 2018 – 2019”, cuyos aspectos varían desde el impacto nutricional en los
beneficiarios del PVL, el monitoreo y evaluación del programa, las dificultades logísticas,
la falta de capacitación dirigida a los gobiernos locales, problemas de diseño del
programa, y las filtraciones y subcobertura de beneficiarios.
Asimismo, como parte del desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación se ha considerado
dar atención a la problemática de filtraciones y subcobertura de beneficiarios del PVL,
debido a que el 54% de su población beneficiaria no contaría con la condición de no
pobre, mientras que solo el 9% seria pobre extremo y el 37% se encontraría en situación
de pobreza (Comex Perú, 2021); situación que representa una deficiente selección de
beneficiarios y que plantea la interrogante si dicha proporcionalidad se replica en los
años 2018 y 2019, lapso en el que se registraron a 1 695 124 beneficiarios y 1 551 568
beneficiarios del PVL, respectivamente.
Con el propósito de afrontar una parte esencial de la amplia problemática del PVL y en
base al análisis realizado, se ha propuesto la implementación de una herramienta
tecnológica que permita el cruce e interoperabilidad de información con otros registros
del Estado para una optimización del proceso de selección de usuarios del PVL, a fin que los recursos públicos invertidos en este programa sean direccionados a su
población objetivo.
En ese sentido, en el presente trabajo describiremos la propuesta de innovación inicial,
las características finales del prototipo de innovación “Ventanilla Única de Beneficiarios
del Programa de Vaso de Leche”, así como los aspectos relevantes a tomar en cuenta
para una adecuada implementación de dicha herramienta tecnológica que aporte en la
mejora de la eficiencia del PVL.
In Peru, the population with monetary poverty has not decreased significantly, if we compare the official INEI statistics between 2013 and 2019, only 3.7% of poverty was reduced, and if we compare with the year 2022, the figure increases by 3.6% to the poverty rate of ten years ago, that is, 27.5% of monetary poverty at the national level; This is in line with the persistent indices of vulnerability to food insecurity. These socioeconomic conditions of a considerable poor or extremely poor population group give rise to continued food support interventions to reduce food insecurity, such as the case of the Glass of Milk Program, created in the 1980s, which It was promoted at the national level after a decentralized experience linked to the political aspect during the administration of Alfonso Barrantes Lingán in the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. However, in the last two decades, difficulties have been evident in the efficiency and operation of the Glass of Milk Program, so the public problem that we will address in this research work consists of the “inefficient execution of the Glass of Milk Program.” Milk in charge of local governments at the national level between the years 2018 - 2019", whose aspects vary from the nutritional impact on the beneficiaries of the PVL, the monitoring and evaluation of the program, logistical difficulties, the lack of training aimed at governments localities, program design problems, and leaks and undercoverage of beneficiaries. Likewise, as part of the development of this research work, it has been considered to pay attention to the problem of leaks and undercoverage of beneficiaries of the PVL, due to the fact that 54% of its beneficiary population would not have the status of non-poor, while only 9% would be extremely poor and 37% would be in poverty (Comex Perú, 2021); a situation that represents a poor selection of beneficiaries and that raises the question if said proportionality is replicated in the years 2018 and 2019, a period in which 1,695,124 beneficiaries and 1,551,568 PVL beneficiaries were registered, respectively. In order to address an essential part of the broad problem of the PVL and based on the analysis carried out, the implementation of a technological tool has been proposed that allows the crossing and interoperability of information with other State registries for an optimization of the selection process of PVL beneficiaries, so that the public resources invested in this program are directed to its target population. In this sense, in this work we will describe the initial innovation proposal, the final characteristics of the innovation prototype "Single Window for Beneficiaries of the Glass of Milk Program", as well as the relevant aspects to take into account for an adequate implementation of said technological tool that contributes to improving the efficiency of the PVL.
In Peru, the population with monetary poverty has not decreased significantly, if we compare the official INEI statistics between 2013 and 2019, only 3.7% of poverty was reduced, and if we compare with the year 2022, the figure increases by 3.6% to the poverty rate of ten years ago, that is, 27.5% of monetary poverty at the national level; This is in line with the persistent indices of vulnerability to food insecurity. These socioeconomic conditions of a considerable poor or extremely poor population group give rise to continued food support interventions to reduce food insecurity, such as the case of the Glass of Milk Program, created in the 1980s, which It was promoted at the national level after a decentralized experience linked to the political aspect during the administration of Alfonso Barrantes Lingán in the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima. However, in the last two decades, difficulties have been evident in the efficiency and operation of the Glass of Milk Program, so the public problem that we will address in this research work consists of the “inefficient execution of the Glass of Milk Program.” Milk in charge of local governments at the national level between the years 2018 - 2019", whose aspects vary from the nutritional impact on the beneficiaries of the PVL, the monitoring and evaluation of the program, logistical difficulties, the lack of training aimed at governments localities, program design problems, and leaks and undercoverage of beneficiaries. Likewise, as part of the development of this research work, it has been considered to pay attention to the problem of leaks and undercoverage of beneficiaries of the PVL, due to the fact that 54% of its beneficiary population would not have the status of non-poor, while only 9% would be extremely poor and 37% would be in poverty (Comex Perú, 2021); a situation that represents a poor selection of beneficiaries and that raises the question if said proportionality is replicated in the years 2018 and 2019, a period in which 1,695,124 beneficiaries and 1,551,568 PVL beneficiaries were registered, respectively. In order to address an essential part of the broad problem of the PVL and based on the analysis carried out, the implementation of a technological tool has been proposed that allows the crossing and interoperability of information with other State registries for an optimization of the selection process of PVL beneficiaries, so that the public resources invested in this program are directed to its target population. In this sense, in this work we will describe the initial innovation proposal, the final characteristics of the innovation prototype "Single Window for Beneficiaries of the Glass of Milk Program", as well as the relevant aspects to take into account for an adequate implementation of said technological tool that contributes to improving the efficiency of the PVL.
Palabras clave
Asistencia pública--Innovaciones tecnológicas--Perú, Gobierno local--Perú, Investigaciones evaluativas (Programas de acción social)--Perú