Modelo prolab: Disability Empowerment, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar las oportunidades de empleo de la población con discapacidad en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empleabilidad para personas con discapacidad física representa una oportunidad de
crecimiento y beneficio para todos, con impacto directo en la empresa cliente, la comunidad, las
personas con discapacidad en sí y colaboradores en general. No solo mejora la reputación
corporativa, sino que promueve el trabajo en equipo, facilita un compromiso mayor con los
valores, se aprende a ser más inclusivo y a aceptar la diversidad de nuestra sociedad.
La propuesta, Disability Empowerment, identifica cual es el problema social relevante, el
universo de personas discapacitadas en el Perú y cómo encaja este proyecto, la oferta para
personas con discapacidad física, la competencia existente, a la vez que se llevan a cabo las
interacciones necesarias con clientes y usuarios para definir la deseabilidad, usabilidad,
factibilidad y viabilidad, las mismas que son fundamentadas mediante experimentos y
simulaciones cuyos resultados son compartidos como parte de la investigación.
Asimismo, es presentado el modelo de negocio basado en RSE y alineado a los ODS, a la
vez que son desarrollados los planes de marketing, operativo y financiero que soportaran el
servicio. Los resultados obtenidos dan un VAN de S/ 3,968,950.00 y un VANS de
Motivación, afán de superación y esfuerzo, eso son valores de las personas con
discapacidad que se alienan con los propósitos de vida de los miembros del equipo. Y más allá
de las cuestiones puramente económicas, las empresas, como Disability Empowerment,
favorecen la empleabilidad de trabajadores con discapacidad contribuyen decisivamente a
construir una sociedad más cohesionada y justa.
Employability for people with physical disabilities represents an opportunity for growth and benefit for all, with a direct impact on the company itself, the community, people with disabilities themselves and employees in general. It does not only improve corporate reputation, but also promotes teamwork, facilitates a greater commitment to values, to be more inclusive is learned and the diversity of our society is accepted. The proposal, Disability Empowerment, identifies the relevant social problem, the universe of disabled people in Peru and how this project fits, the offer for people with physical disabilities, the existing competition, while carrying out the interactions necessary with clients and users to define the desirability, usability, feasibility and viability, the same ones that are substantiated through experiments and simulations whose results are shared as part of the investigation. Likewise, the business model based on CSR and aligned with the SDGs is presented, while the marketing, operational and financial plans that support the service are developed. The results obtained give a VAN of S/ 3,968,950.00 and a social VAN of S/2,761,673.53.00 Motivation, desire to excel and effort, these are values of people with disabilities that are aligned with the life purposes of the members of the team. And beyond purely economic issues, companies like Disability Empowerment favor the employability of workers with disabilities, making a decisive contribution to building a more cohesive and fair society.
Employability for people with physical disabilities represents an opportunity for growth and benefit for all, with a direct impact on the company itself, the community, people with disabilities themselves and employees in general. It does not only improve corporate reputation, but also promotes teamwork, facilitates a greater commitment to values, to be more inclusive is learned and the diversity of our society is accepted. The proposal, Disability Empowerment, identifies the relevant social problem, the universe of disabled people in Peru and how this project fits, the offer for people with physical disabilities, the existing competition, while carrying out the interactions necessary with clients and users to define the desirability, usability, feasibility and viability, the same ones that are substantiated through experiments and simulations whose results are shared as part of the investigation. Likewise, the business model based on CSR and aligned with the SDGs is presented, while the marketing, operational and financial plans that support the service are developed. The results obtained give a VAN of S/ 3,968,950.00 and a social VAN of S/2,761,673.53.00 Motivation, desire to excel and effort, these are values of people with disabilities that are aligned with the life purposes of the members of the team. And beyond purely economic issues, companies like Disability Empowerment favor the employability of workers with disabilities, making a decisive contribution to building a more cohesive and fair society.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Personas con discapacidad--Empleo, Personas con discapacidad--Perú, Personas con discapacidad--Aspectos sociales
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