El palenque de Guachipa (1713) Aspectos del cimarronaje en la periferia limeña (Perú)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Aparentemente, la actuación en 1713 de los cimarrones de Guachipa, cerca de Lima, no difería del comportamiento bien conocido de sus antecesores. Sin embargo, el estudio de los autos de la represión evidencia las tensiones por el poder en el palenque, debido al enfrentamiento de dos bloques étnicos. Los testimonios resaltan la personalidad del líder, quien supo manejarse con inteligencia, pero también con humanidad. Por otra parte, es muy llamativo el alegato del abogado de los reos, muy adelantado para la época, que denunció las incoherencias del esclavismo y apeló al derecho natural a la libertad.
Apparently, the actions in 1713 of the maroons of Guachipa, near Lima, did no differ from the well-known behavior of their predecessors. Nevertheless, the consideration of the judicial documents about the repression highlights the tensions for the power in the palenque, due to the confrontation of two ethnic blocks. The testimonies emphasize the character of the leader, who knew how to handle himself with intelligence, but also with humanity. Moreover, the plea of the defence of the accused, well ahead of his time in denouncing the inconsistencies of slavery and appealing to the natural right of freedom, is very striking.
Apparently, the actions in 1713 of the maroons of Guachipa, near Lima, did no differ from the well-known behavior of their predecessors. Nevertheless, the consideration of the judicial documents about the repression highlights the tensions for the power in the palenque, due to the confrontation of two ethnic blocks. The testimonies emphasize the character of the leader, who knew how to handle himself with intelligence, but also with humanity. Moreover, the plea of the defence of the accused, well ahead of his time in denouncing the inconsistencies of slavery and appealing to the natural right of freedom, is very striking.
Palabras clave
Cimarrones, Guachipa, Perú, Enfrentamiento Étnico, Esclavismo, Libertad Natural
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