Planeamiento estratégico para el Banco Internacional del Perú - Interbank
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento presenta el Plan Estratégico del Banco Interbank Cajamarca con
un horizonte de cinco años, el objetivo del banco es lograr el liderazgo en colocaciones en la
región. El Banco Interbank es uno de los más importantes dentro del país, ocupa el cuarto
lugar a nivel nacional. A pesar de la difícil situación económica y social que ha vivido
Cajamarca, debido a los conflictos mineros; el Banco Interbank Cajamarca ha sabido superar
la actual coyuntura y ha seguido creciendo y cumpliendo sus objetivos. Su misión, visión,
valores y código de ética lo enfocan a convertirse en el banco más importante, además de que
el crecimiento económico nacional y la pronta salida de Cajamarca de dicha inestabilidad
económica apoyan a que el banco se enfoque en dicho objetivo.
Para lograr el objetivo propuesto se ha realizado un análisis interno y externo,
encontrando múltiples oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas y debilidades que el banco puede
utilizar para el cumplimiento de sus objetivos. Para lo cual se plantean cuatro objetivos de
largo plazo, enfocados en fomentar el uso de canales digitales, lograr incrementar la
satisfacción del cliente e incrementar la presencia física en provincias, todos estos objetivos
trazados en un horizonte de cinco años; los cuales serán respaldados en cinco estrategias,
ambos enfocados a perspectivas financieras, de clientes, de procesos y de aprendizaje y
desarrollo; además de contar con cuatro estrategias de contingencia que permitirán al banco
tener un soporte en caso fallen las estrategias principales para poder cumplir dichos objetivos.
This document presents the Strategic Plan of Banco Interbank Cajamarca with a fiveyears horizon, the bank's objective is to achieve leadership in granting credits in the region. Interbank is one of the most important in Peru, it ranks fourth in all the country. Despite the difficult economic and social situation that Cajamarca has experienced, due to mining conflicts; The bank Interbank Cajamarca has managed to overcome the current situation and has continued to grow and achieve its objectives. Its mission, vision, values and code of ethics focus it on becoming the most important bank in addition to the national economic growth and the prompt exit of Cajamarca from such economic instability; they support the bank's focus on that objective. To achieve the proposed objective, an internal and external analysis has been carried out, finding multiple opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses that the bank can use for the fulfilment of the objectives. For which four long term objectives are proposed, focused on promoting the use of digital channels, increasing customer satisfaction and increasing physical presence in provinces. All of these goals set in a five years horizon; which will be supported by five strategies, both focused on financial, customer, process and learning and development perspectives; In addition to having four contingency strategies that will allow the bank to have a support in case the main strategies fail to meet those objectives.
This document presents the Strategic Plan of Banco Interbank Cajamarca with a fiveyears horizon, the bank's objective is to achieve leadership in granting credits in the region. Interbank is one of the most important in Peru, it ranks fourth in all the country. Despite the difficult economic and social situation that Cajamarca has experienced, due to mining conflicts; The bank Interbank Cajamarca has managed to overcome the current situation and has continued to grow and achieve its objectives. Its mission, vision, values and code of ethics focus it on becoming the most important bank in addition to the national economic growth and the prompt exit of Cajamarca from such economic instability; they support the bank's focus on that objective. To achieve the proposed objective, an internal and external analysis has been carried out, finding multiple opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses that the bank can use for the fulfilment of the objectives. For which four long term objectives are proposed, focused on promoting the use of digital channels, increasing customer satisfaction and increasing physical presence in provinces. All of these goals set in a five years horizon; which will be supported by five strategies, both focused on financial, customer, process and learning and development perspectives; In addition to having four contingency strategies that will allow the bank to have a support in case the main strategies fail to meet those objectives.