Planeamiento estratégico para la empresa ICU Medical SAC Perú.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis ha desarrollado el Planeamiento Estratégico para ICU Medical Perú
en el periodo 2019 – 2030, con el objetivo de consolidar el liderazgo que la empresa tiene en
el mercado peruano de las bombas y set de infusión. El presente de la compañía es
prometedor, sin embargo, con el planeamiento adecuado podrá lograr el crecimiento
esperado, logrando una mayor penetración buscando aumentar su participación en el
mercado, enfocándose en el sector privado, así como en sectores comerciales fuera de la
ciudad de Lima.
La visión al 2030, está sustentada en los seis objetivos a largo plazo propuestos, los
cuales se enfocan en una mayor penetración de mercado, ventas, ROE y utilidad neta
buscando que la solidez financiera sea su principal fortaleza entre sus principales
stakeholders. El cumplimiento de los objetivos de corto plazo está basado el alcanzar los
OCP, para lo cual la compañía destinará los recursos necesarios, en el tiempo adecuado.
Finalmente, y tal como se ha indicado, el cumplimiento de la visión, objetivos y metas
propuestos en el Plan Estratégico de ICU Medical Perú, será realmente efectivo si es que el
crecimiento financiero va acompañado por buenas prácticas, las cuales se han plasmado en el
código de ética y las políticas propuestas. El desarrollo del mercado de las bombas de
infusión en el Perú es el más prometedor de la región e ICU Medical Perú, tiene una
oportunidad inmejorable para convertirse en un referente para la región.
This thesis has developed the Strategic Planning for ICU Medical Peru from 2019 to 2030, with the aim of consolidating the leadership that the company has in the Peruvian market of pumps and infusion sets. The company's present is promising, however, with the right planning it will be able to achieve the expected growth, having a greater penetration seeking to increase its market share, focusing on the private sector, as well as commercial sectors outside the Lima city. The vision for 2030 is based on the five proposed long-term objectives, which focus on greater market penetration, sales, ROE and net profit, looking for financial strength to be its main strength among its main stakeholders. The fulfillment of the OLP is based on reaching the short-term objectives, and the company will allocate the necessary resources, in the appropriate time. Finally, and as was indicated, the fulfillment of the vision, objectives and goals proposed in the Strategic Planning of ICU Medical Peru, will be really effective if the financial growth is accompanied by good practices, which have been reflected in the code of ethics and proposed policies. The development of the infusion pump market in Peru is the most promising in the region and ICU Medical Peru has an unbeatable opportunity to become a benchmark for the region.
This thesis has developed the Strategic Planning for ICU Medical Peru from 2019 to 2030, with the aim of consolidating the leadership that the company has in the Peruvian market of pumps and infusion sets. The company's present is promising, however, with the right planning it will be able to achieve the expected growth, having a greater penetration seeking to increase its market share, focusing on the private sector, as well as commercial sectors outside the Lima city. The vision for 2030 is based on the five proposed long-term objectives, which focus on greater market penetration, sales, ROE and net profit, looking for financial strength to be its main strength among its main stakeholders. The fulfillment of the OLP is based on reaching the short-term objectives, and the company will allocate the necessary resources, in the appropriate time. Finally, and as was indicated, the fulfillment of the vision, objectives and goals proposed in the Strategic Planning of ICU Medical Peru, will be really effective if the financial growth is accompanied by good practices, which have been reflected in the code of ethics and proposed policies. The development of the infusion pump market in Peru is the most promising in the region and ICU Medical Peru has an unbeatable opportunity to become a benchmark for the region.
Palabras clave
Planificación estratégica, Compañías de seguros--Perú, Mercado--Análisis