Plan de formalización ¿mecanismo útil para fomentar la formalidad laboral en la MYPES?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La informalidad laboral es un problema que afecta y limita al desarrollo económico
de nuestro país y que además perjudica en gran magnitud a los empresarios quienes a la
vez coadyuvan con aquella a encubrir la vulneración de los derechos laborales de los
trabajadores, los que muchas veces ven superpuestos los costos laborales del empleador
en esta relación de sujetos económicos. El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en
analizar el plan de formalización tipificado en el Reglamento de la Ley General de
Inspección Laboral y determinar su utilidad para fomentar la formalidad laboral en las
MYPES; por ello, se debe revisar los mecanismos legales existentes para aportar en los
conocimientos jurídicos haciendo uso de las fuentes del derecho laboral, ello con el fin de
brindar un recurso adecuado a nivel legal que beneficie a los operadores del derecho y
funcionarios del Estado y principalmente que ayude a encontrar el camino para fomentar
la formalidad laboral en las MYPES, ya que actualmente el Plan de Formalización como
tal se encuentra tipificada como una medida de fiscalización, mas no de prevención.
Asimismo, la teoría focalizada y la teoría holística son las teorías en la que se sustenta
esta investigación. Concluyendo que el plan de formalización que se desarrolle y aplique
de forma ex ante y no ex post (como en la actualidad), deber de fomentarse de manera
preventiva para concientizar al empresario, en el entendido de que es un deber y un
derecho Constitucional salvaguardar los derechos laborales fundamentales,
independientemente del régimen especial al cual el empleador este acogido.
Labor informality is a problem that affects and limits the economic development of our country and also greatly harms employers who, at the same time, help to cover up the violation of workers' labor rights, who often see the employer's labor costs overlap in this relationship of economic subjects. The purpose of this article is to analyze the formalization plan typified in the Regulations to the General Labor Inspection Law and to determine its usefulness in promoting labor formality in MYPES; Therefore, it is necessary to review the existing legal mechanisms to contribute with legal knowledge using the sources of labor law, in order to provide an adequate resource at the legal level that benefits the operators of the law and State officials and mainly to help find the way to promote labor formality in the MYPES, since currently the Formalization Plan as such is typified as an inspection measure, but not as a preventive one. Likewise, focused theory and holistic theory are the theories on which this research is based. Concluding that the formalization plan that is developed and applied ex ante and not ex post (as at present), must be promoted in a preventive way to raise awareness among the employer, in the understanding that it is a duty and a Constitutional right safeguard fundamental labor rights, regardless of the special regime to which the employer is covered.
Labor informality is a problem that affects and limits the economic development of our country and also greatly harms employers who, at the same time, help to cover up the violation of workers' labor rights, who often see the employer's labor costs overlap in this relationship of economic subjects. The purpose of this article is to analyze the formalization plan typified in the Regulations to the General Labor Inspection Law and to determine its usefulness in promoting labor formality in MYPES; Therefore, it is necessary to review the existing legal mechanisms to contribute with legal knowledge using the sources of labor law, in order to provide an adequate resource at the legal level that benefits the operators of the law and State officials and mainly to help find the way to promote labor formality in the MYPES, since currently the Formalization Plan as such is typified as an inspection measure, but not as a preventive one. Likewise, focused theory and holistic theory are the theories on which this research is based. Concluding that the formalization plan that is developed and applied ex ante and not ex post (as at present), must be promoted in a preventive way to raise awareness among the employer, in the understanding that it is a duty and a Constitutional right safeguard fundamental labor rights, regardless of the special regime to which the employer is covered.
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