Los awajun en el mercado laboral: una mirada desde la lógica de la predación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En concordancia con las investigaciones recientes, desde el animismo y el
perspectivismo, conocidos como el giro ontológico, que dan cuenta de una predación
generalizada en las tierras bajas de América del Sur, la presente investigación se centró
en el estudio de la relación laboral entre los awajun de la comunidad de Numpatkaim y
los mestizos (patrones o empleadores) de las ciudades de Lima y Trujillo bajo la lógica
de la predación aénts chicham. Es decir, se estudió si las lógicas de la predación aents
chicham predominan en la relación laboral entre los awajun de Numpatkaim y los
mestizos de las ciudades de Lima y Trujillo. En este sentido, a través de la metodología
cualitativa, se concluyó que los datos sostienen la existencia de elementos de la predación
aents chicham en la relación laboral entre los awajun de Numpatkaim y los empleadores
o patrones de las ciudades de Lima y Trujillo.
In accordance with recent research, based on animism and perspectivism, known as the ontological turn, which shows a generalized predation in the lowlands of South America, this research focused on the study of the labor relationship between the Awajun of the Numpatkaim community and the mestizos (bosses or employers) of the cities of Lima and Trujillo under the logic of aents chicham predation. That is, we studied whether the logics of aents chicham predation predominate in the labor relationship between the Awajun of Numpatkaim and the mestizos of the cities of Lima and Trujillo. In this sense, through qualitative methodology, it was concluded that the data support the existence of elements of aents chicham predation in the labor relationship between the Awajun of Numpatkaim and the employers or bosses of the cities of Lima and Trujillo.
In accordance with recent research, based on animism and perspectivism, known as the ontological turn, which shows a generalized predation in the lowlands of South America, this research focused on the study of the labor relationship between the Awajun of the Numpatkaim community and the mestizos (bosses or employers) of the cities of Lima and Trujillo under the logic of aents chicham predation. That is, we studied whether the logics of aents chicham predation predominate in the labor relationship between the Awajun of Numpatkaim and the mestizos of the cities of Lima and Trujillo. In this sense, through qualitative methodology, it was concluded that the data support the existence of elements of aents chicham predation in the labor relationship between the Awajun of Numpatkaim and the employers or bosses of the cities of Lima and Trujillo.
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