Déficit peruano, perfiles de comercio y bloques económicos regionales en los noventa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
El Perú enfrenta un creciente desequilibrio en su balanza comercial en los años noventa, a pesar de una expansión del valor de sus exportaciones. En buena medida estos déficits se presentan con nuestros socios comerciales de la Comunidad Andina y el Mercosur.Este documento hace un análisis desagregado del comercio peruano con la Comunidad Andina y Mercosur tratando de identificar algunas peculiaridades, ya que se ha tenido en varios años saldos positivos en el comercio con otros bloques extrarregionales.También se procede a presentar los sectores con comercio intraindustrial significativo, toda vez que las exportaciones de mayor valor agregado se dirigen hacia América Latina. Finalmente, se han estimado índices que reflejan ventajas comparadas de comercio que contribuyen a precisar las características del intercambio, así como algunas limitaciones. Se contrasta el patrón de especialización existente con el mundo, del que existe con los integrantes de la Comunidad Andina y Mercosur.Se compara, en suma, los patrones de comercio con los socios regionales y extrarregionales, en un contexto de apertura. Es una aproximación empírica que busca identificar dificultades que deben ser afrontadas con decisión para mejorar nuestra inserción en la economía mundial.
Peru faces an increasing desequilibrium in its trade balance on the nineties, in spite of an expansion on its exports´ value. In part these deficits are presented with our commercial partners of the Andean Community and Mercosur.This paper presents a disaggregated analysis of the Peruvian trade with the Andean Community and Mercosur, trying to identify some peculiarities since in several years we had positive balances in the trade with other extra-regional blocks.Also, we present the sectors with a significant intraindustry trade, as often as the exports with more value added go toward Latin America. Finally, we have estimated indexes reflecting the comparative advantages of the trade which contribute to contrast the specialization pattern with the world and the one with the Andean Community and Mercosur.In short, we compare the trade patterns with the regional and extra-regional partners in an open economic context. This is an empirical approach which tries to identify difficulties that must be resolved to improve our insertion into the world economy.
Peru faces an increasing desequilibrium in its trade balance on the nineties, in spite of an expansion on its exports´ value. In part these deficits are presented with our commercial partners of the Andean Community and Mercosur.This paper presents a disaggregated analysis of the Peruvian trade with the Andean Community and Mercosur, trying to identify some peculiarities since in several years we had positive balances in the trade with other extra-regional blocks.Also, we present the sectors with a significant intraindustry trade, as often as the exports with more value added go toward Latin America. Finally, we have estimated indexes reflecting the comparative advantages of the trade which contribute to contrast the specialization pattern with the world and the one with the Andean Community and Mercosur.In short, we compare the trade patterns with the regional and extra-regional partners in an open economic context. This is an empirical approach which tries to identify difficulties that must be resolved to improve our insertion into the world economy.
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