Modelo prolab: “Asegúrate”: Una forma diferente de conseguir una póliza de seguro a tu medida
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del documento es proponer un nuevo modelo de comercialización con la
construcción de un bróker de seguros generales, 100% digital que reunirá a las principales
compañías aseguradoras de Perú con sus portafolios de productos, incursionando así en el
rubro de las insuretch en seguros generales siendo la primera del país. Además, desarrollar
productos que puedan satisfacer necesidades que han surgido debido a pandemia de covid-19,
donde se agravaron problemáticas sociales como el acceso a la salud de calidad y
tratamientos de enfermedades de alto costo, empleo, la seguridad en los hogares y coberturas
de sepelio, entre otras situaciones que pueden ser abordadas con un seguro privado. Este
proyecto encuentra una oportunidad de negocio aún no cubierta en un país donde la
penetración de primas con relación al PBI solo llega al 1.8% si se compara con algunos
países de América Latina que alcanzan 3.9%. Además, con la llegada de la pandemia el grado
de consciencia frente a riesgos que antes eran menos importante, hoy en día está cambiando.
La dinámica de comercialización que propone el bróker digital Asegúrate es que desde
cualquier aplicativo web o dispositivo móvil el cliente pueda cotizar, comparar, comprar,
pagar y administrar sus pólizas de seguros, donde puede tener acceso a productos como el
seguro educativo, el seguro de salud, seguro de desempleo y seguro de sepelio que buscan
llegar a sectores socioeconómicos B y C del país. Propuesta que al ser analizada
financieramente se encontró que requiere una inversión inicial de S/. 340,000.00, valor que
en un período de 10 años se espera tenga un VAN de S/. 5’801,763.00, con una tasa de
retorno (TIR) de 127%, estos datos permiten evidenciar que es un proyecto económicamente
factible, viable y sostenible en el tiempo considerando además su VAN social de
S/. 65’168,171.00, siendo así también socialmente rentable.
The objective of the document is to propose a new marketing model with the construction of a general insurance broker, 100% digital, that will bring together the main insurance companies in Peru with their product portfolios, thus venturing into the insuretch category in general insurance, being the first in the country. In addition, developing products that can meet needs that have arisen due to the current covid-19 pandemic, where social problems such as access to quality health and treatment of high-cost diseases, employment, home security and burial coverage, among other situations that can be addressed with private insurance. The marketing dynamics proposed by the digital broker Asegúrate is that from any mobile device the client can quote, compare, buy, pay and manage their insurance policies, where they can have access to products such as educational insurance, health insurance, of unemployment and burial insurance that seek to reach socioeconomic sectors B and C of the country. Proposal that, when analyzed financially, was found to require an initial investment of S/. 340,000.00, a value that is expected to have a NPV of S/. 5’801,763.00, with a rate of return (IRR) of 127%, these data show that it is an economically feasible, viable and sustainable project over time, also considering its social NPV S/. 65’168,171.00 thus also being socially profitable.
The objective of the document is to propose a new marketing model with the construction of a general insurance broker, 100% digital, that will bring together the main insurance companies in Peru with their product portfolios, thus venturing into the insuretch category in general insurance, being the first in the country. In addition, developing products that can meet needs that have arisen due to the current covid-19 pandemic, where social problems such as access to quality health and treatment of high-cost diseases, employment, home security and burial coverage, among other situations that can be addressed with private insurance. The marketing dynamics proposed by the digital broker Asegúrate is that from any mobile device the client can quote, compare, buy, pay and manage their insurance policies, where they can have access to products such as educational insurance, health insurance, of unemployment and burial insurance that seek to reach socioeconomic sectors B and C of the country. Proposal that, when analyzed financially, was found to require an initial investment of S/. 340,000.00, a value that is expected to have a NPV of S/. 5’801,763.00, with a rate of return (IRR) of 127%, these data show that it is an economically feasible, viable and sustainable project over time, also considering its social NPV S/. 65’168,171.00 thus also being socially profitable.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Seguros--Perú, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)
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