Planeamiento estratégico de la industria peruana de papeles y cartones
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sector de del papel y cartón está integrado por empresas que producen papel y
cartón, y empresas dedicadas a realizar actividades de impresión. La industria del papel y
cartón en el mercado peruano tiene altas posibilidades de desarrollo y crecimiento debido al
crecimiento del sector agroexportador, construcción, azucarero y de consumo masivo
La mayor producción y demanda mundial se lleva a cabo en Asia, América del Norte
y Europa. Existe en Perú una tendencia de incremento de consumo de papeles absorbentes, y
cartones corrugados estucados, la estabilidad económica del país suma a favor en el
desarrollo de la industria, el incremento de las exportaciones agroindustrial y la apertura de
nuevos mercados.
El Perú aún depende de insumos y materia prima que no se encuentran en el mercado
nacional, por lo cual se requiere combatir esta dependencia con procesos integrados desde la
fabricación de la pulpa celulósica de madera hasta la elaboración de los productos finales de
papel y cartón. Asimismo mantener una elevada calidad abrirá nuevos mercados, para
competir internacionalmente por lo cual se requiere ampliar la capacidad instalada en las
fábricas del país, otra forma de fortalecer la industria es mediante la implementación de una
cultura de reciclaje, un plan sostenible de reforestación para abastecerse de materia prima,
fomentar relaciones con proveedores y clientes, y sobre todo crear nuevos productos acorde
con las necesidades de los consumidores. El Perú tiene todas las características para
convertirse en un abastecedor mundial de pasta celulósica de madera si aprovecha
adecuadamente sus recursos energéticos como el gas natural. En tanto se implementará un
plan estratégico, que tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de la industria a corto y largo plazo,
que se traduce en un incremento en ventas, rentabilidad y generación de puestos de trabajo
The paper and paperboard sector is made up of companies producing paper and paperboard and companies engaged in printing activities. The paper and paper industry in the Peruvian market has a high potential for development and growth due to the growth of the agro-export, construction, sugar and consumer sectors in particular. The largest production and demand in the world is in Asia, North America and Europe. In Peru there is a tendency to increase the consumption of absorbent paper and corrugated paperboard, the economic stability of the country is in favor of the development of the industry, the increase of agroindustrial exports and the opening of new markets. Peru still depends on inputs and raw materials that are not found in the national market, which is why it is necessary to combat this dependence with integrated processes from the manufacture of pulp and pulp to the production of paper end products and paperboard. Also maintaining a high quality will open new markets to compete internationally, so it is necessary to expand installed capacity in the country's factories, another way to strengthen the industry is through the implementation of a recycling culture, a sustainable reforestation plan to stock up on raw material, to foster relationships with suppliers and customers, and above all to create new products according to the needs of consumers. Peru has all the characteristics to become a worldwide supplier of pulpwood pulp if it properly uses its energy resources as natural gas. Meanwhile a strategic plan will be implemented, which aims at the development of the industry in the short and long term, which translates into an increase in sales, profitability and job creation
The paper and paperboard sector is made up of companies producing paper and paperboard and companies engaged in printing activities. The paper and paper industry in the Peruvian market has a high potential for development and growth due to the growth of the agro-export, construction, sugar and consumer sectors in particular. The largest production and demand in the world is in Asia, North America and Europe. In Peru there is a tendency to increase the consumption of absorbent paper and corrugated paperboard, the economic stability of the country is in favor of the development of the industry, the increase of agroindustrial exports and the opening of new markets. Peru still depends on inputs and raw materials that are not found in the national market, which is why it is necessary to combat this dependence with integrated processes from the manufacture of pulp and pulp to the production of paper end products and paperboard. Also maintaining a high quality will open new markets to compete internationally, so it is necessary to expand installed capacity in the country's factories, another way to strengthen the industry is through the implementation of a recycling culture, a sustainable reforestation plan to stock up on raw material, to foster relationships with suppliers and customers, and above all to create new products according to the needs of consumers. Peru has all the characteristics to become a worldwide supplier of pulpwood pulp if it properly uses its energy resources as natural gas. Meanwhile a strategic plan will be implemented, which aims at the development of the industry in the short and long term, which translates into an increase in sales, profitability and job creation
Palabras clave
Papel -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Cartón -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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