Implementación de una estrategia para la prevención de la violencia en los espectáculos deportivos en el marco de la ley n°30037
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objeto evidenciar de manera técnica el fenómeno
social que se ha generado en las últimas décadas en Perú producto de la violencia en el interior de los equipos grandes; existen varias aristas, pero un solo resultado; la percepción de inseguridad en las calles y los escenarios deportivos. Por el impacto que genera en la ciudadanía, es necesario que se realice un estudio sistemático, riguroso, contextualizado, holístico, comparativo y desde una perspectiva
multidisciplinaria y crítica para poder tener un conocimiento más claro de lo que ocurre en el mundo social de la actualidad. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo es de tipo cualitativo, donde se consultaron y analizaron fuentes secundarias para
posteriormente realizar entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Se han elaborado una serie de guías para las entrevistas, éstas se colocaron en una matriz de acuerdo al tipo de actor que fue entrevistado. Es necesaria la implementación de un proyecto para afianzar la posición de la Policía Nacional del Perú frente a estos problemas sociales que vienen incrementándose en el día a día y causando un gran trastorno al desarrollarse las actividades normales de todos los ciudadanos sin distinción alguna en todo el territorio nacional
The present work has an objective to demonstrate in a technical way the social phenomenon that has been generated in the last decades in Peru producto of the violence inside the big teams; there are several edges, pero only one result; the perception of insecurity in the streets and sports venues. Because of the impact it generates on citizens, it es necessary to carry out a systematic, rigorous, contextualized, holistic, comparative study from a multidisciplinary and critical perspective in order to have a clearer knowledge of what is happening in today’s social world. Therefore, the present work is of a qualitative nature, where secondary sources were consulted and analyzed for later semi-structured interviews. A series of guides have been prepared for the interviews, these were placed in a matrix according to the type of actor that was interviewed. It is necessary to implement a project to strengthen the position of the National Police of Peru in the face of these social problems that are increasing day by day and causing a great upheaval when developing the normal activities of all citizens without any distinction in the entire national territory
The present work has an objective to demonstrate in a technical way the social phenomenon that has been generated in the last decades in Peru producto of the violence inside the big teams; there are several edges, pero only one result; the perception of insecurity in the streets and sports venues. Because of the impact it generates on citizens, it es necessary to carry out a systematic, rigorous, contextualized, holistic, comparative study from a multidisciplinary and critical perspective in order to have a clearer knowledge of what is happening in today’s social world. Therefore, the present work is of a qualitative nature, where secondary sources were consulted and analyzed for later semi-structured interviews. A series of guides have been prepared for the interviews, these were placed in a matrix according to the type of actor that was interviewed. It is necessary to implement a project to strengthen the position of the National Police of Peru in the face of these social problems that are increasing day by day and causing a great upheaval when developing the normal activities of all citizens without any distinction in the entire national territory
Palabras clave
Orden público--Perú, Estadios de fútbol--Perú, Fanáticos del fútbol--Perú, Vandalismo en el fútbol--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú
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