El delito de Enriquecimiento Ilícito como delito de consumación permanente y las consecuencias subsecuentes en la atribución de responsabilidad penal al extraneus
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo académico versa respecto del análisis realizado al delito de
Enriquecimiento ilícito, el mismo que se encuentra tipificado en el artículo 401° de
nuestro Código Penal. Al respecto, resulta posible afirmar que se cuenta con tres
principales objetivos. El primero de ellos es el determinar el tipo de consumación que
se produce en el delito materia de análisis. Sin perjuicio de ello, el segundo objetivo
se encuentra abocado al análisis y determinación de la atribución de responsabilidad
penal a los sujetos que intervengan durante la ejecución del delito mencionado
previamente, sean estos pasibles de ser considerados como intranei o extranei.
Asimismo, se tiene como tercer objetivo, al estudio del concepto jurídico “acuerdo
previo”, o también llamado “pactum sceleris”, y, a partir de ello, se determinarán las
consecuencias jurídicas que el mismo pueda conllevar en el marco de un proceso penal.
Sumado a ello, se realizará una ejemplificación jurisprudencial en torno al concepto
del pactum sceleris. Cabe mencionar que a lo largo del desarrollo del presente trabajo
académico se ha hecho uso del método de investigación, mediante el cual se evaluó y
aplicó el resultado de lo indagado en la doctrina autorizada actual y los
pronunciamientos jurisprudenciales de mayor relevancia.
The present academic project deals with the analysis carried out on the crime of illicit enrichment, the same one that is typified in article 401 of our Penal Code. In this regard, it is possible to affirm that it has three main objectives. The first of these is to determine the type of consummation that occurs in the crime that is the subject of analysis. Notwithstanding this, the second objective is devoted to the analysis and determination of the attribution of criminal responsibility to the subjects who intervene during the execution of the aforementioned crime, whether they are liable to be considered as intranei or extranei. Likewise, the third objective of this report is to study the legal concept of "prior agreement", or also called "pactum sceleris", and, from this, the legal consequences that it may entail in the framework of a criminal process will be determined. In addition to this, there will be a case law exemplification around the concept of the pactum sceleris. It is worth mentioning that throughout the development of this academic project, the research method has been used, through which the result of the investigation was evaluated and applied in the current authorized doctrine and the most relevant jurisprudential pronouncements.
The present academic project deals with the analysis carried out on the crime of illicit enrichment, the same one that is typified in article 401 of our Penal Code. In this regard, it is possible to affirm that it has three main objectives. The first of these is to determine the type of consummation that occurs in the crime that is the subject of analysis. Notwithstanding this, the second objective is devoted to the analysis and determination of the attribution of criminal responsibility to the subjects who intervene during the execution of the aforementioned crime, whether they are liable to be considered as intranei or extranei. Likewise, the third objective of this report is to study the legal concept of "prior agreement", or also called "pactum sceleris", and, from this, the legal consequences that it may entail in the framework of a criminal process will be determined. In addition to this, there will be a case law exemplification around the concept of the pactum sceleris. It is worth mentioning that throughout the development of this academic project, the research method has been used, through which the result of the investigation was evaluated and applied in the current authorized doctrine and the most relevant jurisprudential pronouncements.
Palabras clave
Enriquecimineto sin causa--Legislación--Perú, Delitos de los funcionarios--Legislación--Perú, Corrupción política--Legislación--Perú
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