Business consulting en el área comercial - Postes del Norte SA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Postes del Norte SA es una empresa especializada en la fabricación de postes de
concreto ubicado en la ciudad de Trujillo. Sin embargo, la empresa enfrenta desafíos
significativos, como la falta de capacitación en su personal, ineficiencias en la Gestión de
Inventarios, retrasos en la entrega de productos a clientes y una falta de diversificación en
proveedores de materias primas.
La necesidad de realizar esta investigación radica en identificar las oportunidades de
mejora y desarrollar soluciones estratégicas para estos desafíos. Esto permitirá a la empresa
aumentar su eficiencia, productividad y rentabilidad en la organización. La problemática
principal identificada fueron la falta de diversificación en proveedores de materias primas en
diferentes áreas de la empresa, lo que limita su rendimiento y crecimiento, así como la
afectación de la calidad de los productos y demora en la entrega de pedidos.
Para abordar este problema, la estrategia propuesta fue la priorización de proveedores.
Esta estrategia implica identificar y clasificar a los proveedores en función de su importancia
para la empresa, y luego concentrar los recursos y esfuerzos en las relaciones con los
proveedores más importantes. Esto puede involucrar la mejora de las relaciones con los
proveedores prioritarios, la diversificación de la base de proveedores para reducir la
dependencia de unos pocos proveedores, y la implementación de medidas para garantizar la
calidad y la puntualidad de los suministros.
En conclusión, el proyecto de tesis propone soluciones concretas y factibles para
mejorar la gestión de proveedores en la empresa Postes del Norte SA, lo que permitiría evitar
retrasos en la entrega de los pedidos y mejorar la satisfacción de los clientes, obteniendo un
VAN de S/. 44,383.16, TIR de 61.6 % y relación C/B de S/. 2.39.
Postes del Norte SA is a company specialized in the manufacture of concrete posts located in the city of Trujillo. However, the company faces significant challenges, such as a lack of training in its personnel, inefficiencies in Inventory Management, delays in the delivery of products to customers and a lack of diversification in raw material suppliers. The need to conduct this research lies in identifying opportunities for improvement and developing strategic solutions to these challenges. This will allow the company its efficiency, productivity and profitability in the organization. The main problems identified were the lack of diversification in raw material suppliers in different areas of the company, which limits its performance and growth, as well as the impact on product quality and delays in the delivery of orders. To address this problem, the proposed strategy was supplier prioritization. This strategy involves identifying and ranking suppliers based on their importance to the company, and then focusing resources and efforts on relationships with the most important suppliers. This may involve improving relationships with priority suppliers, diversifying the supplier base to reduce dependence on a few suppliers, and implementing measures to ensure quality and timeliness of supplies. In conclusion, the thesis project proposes concrete and feasible solutions to improve supplier management in the company Postes del Norte SA, which would avoid delays in the delivery of orders and improve customer satisfaction, obtaining an NPV of S ./. 44,383.16, IRR of 61.6% and C/B ratio of S/. 2.39.
Postes del Norte SA is a company specialized in the manufacture of concrete posts located in the city of Trujillo. However, the company faces significant challenges, such as a lack of training in its personnel, inefficiencies in Inventory Management, delays in the delivery of products to customers and a lack of diversification in raw material suppliers. The need to conduct this research lies in identifying opportunities for improvement and developing strategic solutions to these challenges. This will allow the company its efficiency, productivity and profitability in the organization. The main problems identified were the lack of diversification in raw material suppliers in different areas of the company, which limits its performance and growth, as well as the impact on product quality and delays in the delivery of orders. To address this problem, the proposed strategy was supplier prioritization. This strategy involves identifying and ranking suppliers based on their importance to the company, and then focusing resources and efforts on relationships with the most important suppliers. This may involve improving relationships with priority suppliers, diversifying the supplier base to reduce dependence on a few suppliers, and implementing measures to ensure quality and timeliness of supplies. In conclusion, the thesis project proposes concrete and feasible solutions to improve supplier management in the company Postes del Norte SA, which would avoid delays in the delivery of orders and improve customer satisfaction, obtaining an NPV of S ./. 44,383.16, IRR of 61.6% and C/B ratio of S/. 2.39.
Palabras clave
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Empresas--Perú--Trujillo (La Libertad : Provincia), Industria de la construcción--Perú--Trujillo (La Libertad : Provincia)
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