La competencia TIC en los estudiantes de Tercer grado de una IE estatal en el marco de la educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación ha cambiado con la COVID-19, algunos niños tienen clases virtuales
sincrónicas y asincrónicas (complemento); otros solo tienen clases asincrónicas
debido al poco acceso a internet, mientras que aquellos sin internet usan las
tecnologías disponibles. Esta diversidad obliga a llamar a la educación que
enfrentamos como una educación a distancia. Ello solo se identifica luego de
comprender las características de la educación a distancia en el marco del
Currículo Nacional, el cual es uno de los objetivos de la presente investigación, en
el que es necesario comprender las terminologías. La educación a distancia es
una oportunidad para develar qué tan desarrollada está la competencia “se
desenvuelve en entornos virtuales generados por las TIC” en los estudiantes, ya
que, para continuar con la educación, se está empleando tecnología, entre ellas
las TIC (tecnologías de la información y comunicación), lo cual implica por parte
de los estudiantes poner en práctica desempeños de esta competencia de
acuerdo con el Currículo Nacional. La finalidad de esta tesis es investigar a
profundidad la competencia TIC para lograr describir los desempeños presentes
en los estudiantes del tercer grado de la Educación Básica Regular de una
institución pública. Se evidencia que los desempeños más desarrollados en los
estudiantes corresponden a las capacidades de interactuar en entornos virtuales
y gestionar información en los entornos virtuales. Además, de identificar
desarrolladas capacidades superiores a las del grado correspondiente.
Education has changed with COVID-19, some children have synchronous and asynchronous (complementary) virtual classes; others only have asynchronous classes due to poor internet access, while those without internet use the available technologies. This diversity makes it necessary to call the education we face as distance education. This is only identified after understanding the characteristics of distance education in the framework of the National Curriculum, which is one of the objectives of the present research, where it is necessary to understand the terminologies. Distance education is an opportunity to unveil how developed the competence "develops in virtual environments generated by ICT" is in students, since, in order to continue education, technology is being used, among them ICT (information and communication technologies), which implies that students put into practice performances of this competence according to the National Curriculum. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate ICT competence in depth in order to describe the performances present in students in the third grade of Regular Basic Education in a public institution. It is evident that the most developed performances in students correspond to the abilities of interacting in virtual environments and managing information in virtual environments. In addition, they identify developed skills that are superior to those of the corresponding grade.
Education has changed with COVID-19, some children have synchronous and asynchronous (complementary) virtual classes; others only have asynchronous classes due to poor internet access, while those without internet use the available technologies. This diversity makes it necessary to call the education we face as distance education. This is only identified after understanding the characteristics of distance education in the framework of the National Curriculum, which is one of the objectives of the present research, where it is necessary to understand the terminologies. Distance education is an opportunity to unveil how developed the competence "develops in virtual environments generated by ICT" is in students, since, in order to continue education, technology is being used, among them ICT (information and communication technologies), which implies that students put into practice performances of this competence according to the National Curriculum. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate ICT competence in depth in order to describe the performances present in students in the third grade of Regular Basic Education in a public institution. It is evident that the most developed performances in students correspond to the abilities of interacting in virtual environments and managing information in virtual environments. In addition, they identify developed skills that are superior to those of the corresponding grade.
Palabras clave
Tecnología educativa, Educación a distancia, Educación primaria--Investigaciones, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Educación
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