Planeamiento estratégico de la industria de la construcción
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis contempla un plan estratégico para la industria de la Construcción
proyectado al año 2020, centrándose en el desarrollo de Obras Civiles con estándares
internacionales, altos niveles de rentabilidad, reducción de la informalidad, y un claro
enfoque en responsabilidad social, entendiéndose por Obras Civiles todo lo vinculado al
desarrollo de infraestructuras para la población. Las Obras Civiles tienden a contribuir con la
organización del territorio y el aprovechamiento que se hace de éste, destacándose las
carreteras, puentes, vías de ferrocarril, aeropuertos, puertos, canales y presas. En adelante, la
tesis denominará Industria de la Construcción a todo lo referido a Obras Civiles.
El plan estratégico se inicia con un estudio de la situación actual de la industria de la
Construcción, seguido del establecimiento de la visión y misión, elementos base sobre la que
se construye propiamente la tesis. Luego se desarrollan las evaluaciones externa e interna,
que servirán de insumos para las estrategias a implementar. Del análisis externo, se determinó
que la industria de la Construcción tiene condiciones favorables para que pueda tener un
desarrollo sostenible, mientras que del análisis interno, se concluyó que esta industria es
fuerte interiormente. Con base en la visión, se proponen seis Objetivos de Largo Plazo.
Finalmente, se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones a ser consideradas para el
desarrollo exitoso del plan.
Entre los principales resultados, destacan las ventajas competitivas que tiene la
industria de la Construcción, que continúan atrayendo inversionistas. Existe demanda
insatisfecha, lo que representa una gran oportunidad para el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos.
El interés del gobierno por continuar invirtiendo en infraestructura es una buena señal para la
sostenibilidad de la industria de la Construcción, la misma que tiene un futuro retador y, a la
vez, prometedor, correspondiéndole tanto al Estado como al sector privado crear las
condiciones para su desarrollo.
The present thesis develops a strategic plan for the Construction industry projected to year 2020, focusing on the development of Civil Works with international standards, high levels of profitability, reducing informality and a clear focus on social responsibility, meaning by Works Civil everything related to the development of infrastructure for the population. Civil Works tend to contribute to the organization of the territory and the use made of it, highlighting the roads, bridges, railways, airports, harbors, canals and dams. The strategic plan begins with a study of the current situation of the Construction industry, followed by the establishment of the vision and mission, core elements on which the thesis builds itself. Both external and internal evaluations are developed, which serve as input to later determine the strategies to be implemented. From the external analysis, it was concluded that the Construction industry has favorable conditions to reach a sustainable development, while the internal analysis concluded that this Industry is strong inside. Based on the vision, six Long-Term Objectives are proposed. Finally, conclusions and recommendations to be considered for the successful development of the plan are shown. Among the main findings, highlight the competitive advantages that the Construction industry, which continue to attract investors. There is unmet demand, which represents a great opportunity for the development of new projects. The interest of the government to continue investing in infrastructure bodes well for the sustainability of the Construction industry, the same that has a future challenger, yet promising, corresponding to both, the State and the private sector, creating the necessary conditions for its development.
The present thesis develops a strategic plan for the Construction industry projected to year 2020, focusing on the development of Civil Works with international standards, high levels of profitability, reducing informality and a clear focus on social responsibility, meaning by Works Civil everything related to the development of infrastructure for the population. Civil Works tend to contribute to the organization of the territory and the use made of it, highlighting the roads, bridges, railways, airports, harbors, canals and dams. The strategic plan begins with a study of the current situation of the Construction industry, followed by the establishment of the vision and mission, core elements on which the thesis builds itself. Both external and internal evaluations are developed, which serve as input to later determine the strategies to be implemented. From the external analysis, it was concluded that the Construction industry has favorable conditions to reach a sustainable development, while the internal analysis concluded that this Industry is strong inside. Based on the vision, six Long-Term Objectives are proposed. Finally, conclusions and recommendations to be considered for the successful development of the plan are shown. Among the main findings, highlight the competitive advantages that the Construction industry, which continue to attract investors. There is unmet demand, which represents a great opportunity for the development of new projects. The interest of the government to continue investing in infrastructure bodes well for the sustainability of the Construction industry, the same that has a future challenger, yet promising, corresponding to both, the State and the private sector, creating the necessary conditions for its development.
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