Ideología política, valores y creencias hacia el medio ambiente en una muestra de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación describe y analiza las relaciones y efectos existentes entre la
ideología política, los valores culturales, las creencias hacia el medio ambiente y las conductas
pro-ambientales. Para ello, se trabajó con una muestra de 178 personas de Lima Metropolitana
(44.9% hombres y 55.1% mujeres) entre los 19 a 65 años, en la cual se halló una mayor
tendencia hacia el progresismo político, dado los bajos niveles de RWA y SDO, así como por
una perfil axiológico de valores donde dominaban la Autotrascendencia y la Apertura al
cambio; presentando también, un mayor Ecocentrismo que Antropocentrismo, y una mayor
frecuencia en la ejecución de conductas pro-ambientales más conocidas que implican un menor
esfuerzo o costo. Respecto a la relación entre variables, se observó que la SDO y el RWA, así
como la Conservación y Promoción personal se asocian y tienen un efecto directo sobre el
Antropocentrismo; también, se halló que la SDO y el RWA tiene un efecto inverso sobre el
Ecocentrismo, mientras que la Autotrascendencia y la Apertura al Cambio lo hacen de forma
directa; finalmente, se encontró que solo el Ecocentrismo impactaba directamente en las
Conductas pro-ambientales.
The present research describes and analyzes the relationships and influences between Political ideology, Cultural values, Beliefs towards the environment and Pro-environmental behaviors. In this manner, the instruments were applied in a sample of 178 subjects from Metropolitan Lima (44.9% men and 55.1% women) between 19 to 65 years , in which was found a greater tendency towards Political progressivism, based on the low levels of RWA and SDO, and on the resultant axiological profile of Values where the Self-transcendence and the Openness to change occupied the first places; presenting, also, a higher Ecocentrism than Anthropocentrism, and a greater frequency in the execution of commons pro-environmental behaviors that require a lower effort or cost. Regarding the relationship between variables, it was observed that SDO and RWA, as well as Conservation and Self-enhancement, are associated between themselves and all of them influence directly on Anthropocentrism; also, it was found that SDO and RWA have an inverse influence on Ecocentrism, while Selftranscendence and Openness to Change have a direct effect on it; finally, it was noticed that only Ecocentrism impacted directly on Pro-environmental behaviors.
The present research describes and analyzes the relationships and influences between Political ideology, Cultural values, Beliefs towards the environment and Pro-environmental behaviors. In this manner, the instruments were applied in a sample of 178 subjects from Metropolitan Lima (44.9% men and 55.1% women) between 19 to 65 years , in which was found a greater tendency towards Political progressivism, based on the low levels of RWA and SDO, and on the resultant axiological profile of Values where the Self-transcendence and the Openness to change occupied the first places; presenting, also, a higher Ecocentrism than Anthropocentrism, and a greater frequency in the execution of commons pro-environmental behaviors that require a lower effort or cost. Regarding the relationship between variables, it was observed that SDO and RWA, as well as Conservation and Self-enhancement, are associated between themselves and all of them influence directly on Anthropocentrism; also, it was found that SDO and RWA have an inverse influence on Ecocentrism, while Selftranscendence and Openness to Change have a direct effect on it; finally, it was noticed that only Ecocentrism impacted directly on Pro-environmental behaviors.
Palabras clave
Ideología, Psicología ambiental, Valores
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