Una producción peruana: reproducción de imaginarios nacionales en las videorreacciones a contenido peruano en canales de YouTube españoles
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En las últimas décadas, el Perú ha experimentado un creciente reconocimiento
internacional en torno al turismo, la gastronomía y otros de exaltación nacional. Así,
muchos peruanos empiezan a manifestar su identidad con orgullo en diferentes
espacios sociales. En YouTube, un género de contenido llamado videorreacción sirve
de medio para la continuidad de este proceso identitario. Esta tesis presenta un
análisis sobre las videorreacciones a contenido peruano en canales de youtubers
españoles. El objetivo es analizar la reproducción y producción de imaginarios
nacionales. Para ello empleo una metodología etnográfica centrada en la observación
participante mediante la experiencia de usuario e investigador en el espacio digital. El
análisis de este fenómeno se encuentra enmarcado dentro de cuatro enfoques. Por
un lado, la teoría de la performance y la multimodalidad permiten entender cómo se
moldean los sentidos en las dinámicas participativas de las videorreacciones. Por otro
lado, los enfoques de los paisajes tecnológicos e imaginarios nacionales proporcionan
el insumo para comprender el despliegue de las identidades en el espacio digital y
transnacional. Los hallazgos de la investigación evidencian que en las
videorreacciones no solo se reproducen imaginarios nacionales ya establecidos, sino
que también se empiezan a producir nuevos. Estos, a su vez, se manifiestan con base
en problemáticas subyacentes al imaginario peruano como el racismo, el centralismo,
la invisibilización, la exotización y la deshumanización de aspectos culturales que se
vuelven productos para el consumo comercial. Consecuentemente, se producen
nuevos sentidos de peruanidad a la par que se refuerzan y normalizan ciertas
problemáticas sociales.
In recent decades, Peru has experienced a growing international recognition around tourism, gastronomy, among other similar aspects. Thus, many Peruvians begin to express their identity with pride in different social spaces. On YouTube, a genre of content called video reaction serves as a medium for the continuity of this identity process. This thesis presents an analysis of video reactions to Peruvian content on Spanish youtuber channels. The objective is to analyze the reproduction and production of national imaginaries. For this, I use an ethnographic methodology focused on participant observation through the experience of the user and researcher in the digital space. The analysis of this phenomenon is framed within four approaches. On the one hand, performance theory and multimodality allow us to understand how the meanings are shaped in the participatory dynamics of video reactions. On the other hand, the approaches of national technological and imaginary landscapes provide the input to understand the deployment of identities in the digital and transnational space. The research findings show that video reactions not only reproduce already established national imaginaries, but also begin to produce new ones. These, in turn, are manifested based on problems underlying the Peruvian imaginary such as racism, centralism, invisibility, exoticization and dehumanization of cultural aspects that become products for commercial consumption. Consequently, new senses of peruvianness are produced at the same time that certain social problems are reinforced and normalized.
In recent decades, Peru has experienced a growing international recognition around tourism, gastronomy, among other similar aspects. Thus, many Peruvians begin to express their identity with pride in different social spaces. On YouTube, a genre of content called video reaction serves as a medium for the continuity of this identity process. This thesis presents an analysis of video reactions to Peruvian content on Spanish youtuber channels. The objective is to analyze the reproduction and production of national imaginaries. For this, I use an ethnographic methodology focused on participant observation through the experience of the user and researcher in the digital space. The analysis of this phenomenon is framed within four approaches. On the one hand, performance theory and multimodality allow us to understand how the meanings are shaped in the participatory dynamics of video reactions. On the other hand, the approaches of national technological and imaginary landscapes provide the input to understand the deployment of identities in the digital and transnational space. The research findings show that video reactions not only reproduce already established national imaginaries, but also begin to produce new ones. These, in turn, are manifested based on problems underlying the Peruvian imaginary such as racism, centralism, invisibility, exoticization and dehumanization of cultural aspects that become products for commercial consumption. Consequently, new senses of peruvianness are produced at the same time that certain social problems are reinforced and normalized.
Palabras clave
YouTube (Recurso electrónico)--Perú, Identidad cultural--Perú, YouTube (Recurso electrónico)--España
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