Soluciones en controversias relativas a inversiones internacionales que involucren temas de derechos humanos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En las últimas décadas la fragmentación del Derecho Internacional ha tomado
bastante relevancia debido a la creciente – aunque también alarmantecreación
de tribunales internacionales producto de la proliferación de nuevos
regímenes especializados. En tal sentido, este fenómeno llega a ser
problemático a la hora de solucionar conflictos que involucran dos regímenes
aparentemente contrapuestos. Esto se manifiesta en las controversias surgidas
entre inversionistas extranjeros y Estados que comprenden la afectación de
derechos humanos. En ese marco, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo
determinar soluciones con una aplicación integral del Derecho de las
Inversiones y los Derechos Humanos para evitar le preferencia de un régimen
sobre el otro. De esta manera, se buscará demostrar que la aplicación del
principio de integración sistémica, el control de convencionalidad y la inclusión
de obligaciones internas para las empresas son las herramientas más
eficientes. Para ello, analizaremos una serie casos particulares que permitan
evidenciar que, sin importar la escogencia de un régimen o regímenes sobre
otros se hace necesaria una adecuada utilización de este principio por parte de
los diversos tribunales internacionales.
In recent decades, the fragmentation of international law has become increasingly relevant due to the growing - albeit alarming - creation of international tribunals as a result of the proliferation of new specialized regimes. In this sense, this phenomenon becomes problematic when it comes to resolving conflicts involving two seemingly conflicting regimes. This manifests itself in disputes between foreign investors and states involving human rights. In this context, the aim of this paper is to determine solutions with a comprehensive application of investment law and human rights in order to avoid the preference of one regime over the other. In this way, it will seek to demonstrate that the application of the principle of systemic integration, the control of conventionality and the inclusion of domestic obligations for companies are the most efficient tools. In order to do so, we will analyze a series of particular cases that make it possible to demonstrate that, regardless of the choice of one regime or regimes over others, it is necessary for the various international tribunals to make appropriate use of this principle.
In recent decades, the fragmentation of international law has become increasingly relevant due to the growing - albeit alarming - creation of international tribunals as a result of the proliferation of new specialized regimes. In this sense, this phenomenon becomes problematic when it comes to resolving conflicts involving two seemingly conflicting regimes. This manifests itself in disputes between foreign investors and states involving human rights. In this context, the aim of this paper is to determine solutions with a comprehensive application of investment law and human rights in order to avoid the preference of one regime over the other. In this way, it will seek to demonstrate that the application of the principle of systemic integration, the control of conventionality and the inclusion of domestic obligations for companies are the most efficient tools. In order to do so, we will analyze a series of particular cases that make it possible to demonstrate that, regardless of the choice of one regime or regimes over others, it is necessary for the various international tribunals to make appropriate use of this principle.
Palabras clave
Arbitraje internacional, CIADI, Tribunales, Derechos humanos