La autorregulación, la construcción de la credibilidad y la confianza, y la gestión de los riesgos; en la construcción de la licencia social como activo de las empresas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por objeto identificar los conceptos clave en el proceso
de obtención de la licencia social para operar en las actividades extractivas, así como
profundizar los siguientes tópicos desde una perspectiva empresarial: (a) la autorregulación,
(b) la construcción de la credibilidad y la confianza, y (c) la gestión de los riesgos, como
aspectos relevantes para la construcción de la licencia social como activo de las empresas.
Para ello, se han abordado conceptos, teorías y modelos relacionados con la licencia
social partiendo de la gestión de grupos de interés, el desarrollo sostenible, la responsabilidad
social empresarial, la creación de valor compartido y el manejo de conflictos. Además, se ha
realizado el estudio bibliográfico de tres proyectos relevantes para la industria minera:
Pascua-Lama, el cual es el primer proyecto binacional en el mundo, ubicado en Argentina y
Chile; Quellaveco, en Moquegua, que ha sido el primer proyecto desarrollado en el Perú que
gestionó su relación con la comunidad sin conflicto de por medio; y Las Bambas, en
Apurímac, por ser el proyecto minero cuprífero más grande de la historia del país.
Producto de la integración de la investigación con el estudio de los tres proyectos
indicados, se ha encontrado lo siguiente: (a) la autorregulación aplicada por las empresas no
ha sido suficiente para impedir la aparición de conflictos con las comunidades, su principal
grupo de interés; (b) el enfoque de desarrollo sostenible ha favorecido la obtención y
mantenimiento de la licencia social, mientras que un Estado ausente y la generación de
pasivos medioambientales han restado credibilidad y confianza; (c) hay ocho factores
comunes a los tres casos examinados que pondrían en riesgo la obtención y mantenimiento de
la licencia social para operar; y (d) existe una relación directa entre las variaciones del capital
social y el valor por acción de las empresas estudiadas.
The aim of this investigation is to identify the key concepts for the process of obtaining a social license to operate in extractive activities, as well as deepening in the following topics from an entrepreneurial point of view: (a) self-regulation, (b) construction of credibility and confidence, and (c) risk management, as a relevant issue for the construction of the social license as an asset of any company. For this, it has been addressed concepts, theories and models related to the social license, based on the stakeholders’ management, the sustainable development, the corporate social responsibility, the creation of shared value, and the management of conflicts. In addition, it has been made a bibliographic study of three projects that are relevant to the Mining Industry: Pascua-Lama that is the first bi-national project in the world, located in Argentina and Chile; Quellaveco, in Moquegua, which has been the first project developed in Peru that has managed its relationship with the community without any conflicts in-between; and Las Bambas, in Apurimac, because it is the biggest copper producer mining project in Peru. As a result of the integration of research with the study of the three described projects, it has been found the following remarks: (a) the self-regulation applied by the companies has not been enough to prevent the conflicts in the communities, its most important stakeholder; (b) the sustainable development approach has helped the earning and maintenance of the social license, and on the other hand, an absent state and generating environmental liabilities has diminished credibility and confidence; (c) there are eight common factors between the three examined cases that might put in risk the obtaining and maintenance of the social license for operating; and (d) it exists a direct link between the social capital variations and the value per share of the studied companies.
The aim of this investigation is to identify the key concepts for the process of obtaining a social license to operate in extractive activities, as well as deepening in the following topics from an entrepreneurial point of view: (a) self-regulation, (b) construction of credibility and confidence, and (c) risk management, as a relevant issue for the construction of the social license as an asset of any company. For this, it has been addressed concepts, theories and models related to the social license, based on the stakeholders’ management, the sustainable development, the corporate social responsibility, the creation of shared value, and the management of conflicts. In addition, it has been made a bibliographic study of three projects that are relevant to the Mining Industry: Pascua-Lama that is the first bi-national project in the world, located in Argentina and Chile; Quellaveco, in Moquegua, which has been the first project developed in Peru that has managed its relationship with the community without any conflicts in-between; and Las Bambas, in Apurimac, because it is the biggest copper producer mining project in Peru. As a result of the integration of research with the study of the three described projects, it has been found the following remarks: (a) the self-regulation applied by the companies has not been enough to prevent the conflicts in the communities, its most important stakeholder; (b) the sustainable development approach has helped the earning and maintenance of the social license, and on the other hand, an absent state and generating environmental liabilities has diminished credibility and confidence; (c) there are eight common factors between the three examined cases that might put in risk the obtaining and maintenance of the social license for operating; and (d) it exists a direct link between the social capital variations and the value per share of the studied companies.
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