Factores que favorecen o limitan la adecuada implementación y cumplimiento de funciones del servicio Casa de Refugio Temporal Santísima Trinidad para mujeres víctimas de violencia que gestiona la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo. Periodo 2018-2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio de caso cualitativo, investiga los factores que favorecen o limitan la
adecuada implementación y cumplimiento de funciones del servicio Casa de Refugio
Temporal Santísima Trinidad que administra la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo 2018-
2020, analizando para ello, el marco normativo y de gestión, los recursos asignados, las
atenciones que ofrece y la percepción de los actores involucrados, para elaborar una
propuesta de mejora de esta entidad. La CRT ST, es una experiencia pionera que surge con
anterioridad a la aprobación de la normativa que da lugar a estos servicios públicos en el
país, y se encarga de prestar protección, albergue y alimentación a las mujeres víctimas de
violencia cuya integridad se encuentra en riesgo o en peligro de feminicidio, pese a la
magnitud del problema de la violencia contra las mujeres, los hogares de refugio son
servicios escasos en el país. La investigación evidencia y concluye, que un factor favorable
al servicio identificado, es su alineamiento a la normativa y de gestión institucional del
gobierno local y el manejo de instrumentos en el proceso de atención a las mujeres que
acoge; entre los factores limitantes, se identifica su débil articulación sectorial e institucional,
el escaso presupuesto asignado, un personal del servicio no especializado y la percepción
desfavorable de los representantes institucionales con los cuales se vincula en su labor,
aspectos que impiden la prestación de atenciones integrales y multidisciplinarias.
This is a qualitative case study which investigates the factors that favour or limit the proper implementation and fulfilment of functions of the service from the "Casa de Refugio Temporal Santísima Trinidad" that is administered by the “Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo 2018- 2020", analysing the regulatory and management framework, the resources assigned, the services offered and the perception of the actors involved, to prepare a proposal for the improvement of this entity. The CRT ST, is a pioneering experience that arises prior to the approval of the regulations that gives place to these public services in the country, and is in charge of providing protection, shelter and food to women victims of violence whose integrity is in question at risk or in danger of femicide, despite the magnitude of the problem of violence against women, shelter homes are scarce services in the country. The research shows and concludes that a favourable factor for the service in question is its alignment with the regulations and institutional management of the local government and of its instruments in the care process for the women; among the limiting factors, is identified its weak sectoral and institutional structure, the scarce budget assigned, a non-specialized service personnel and the unfavourable perception of the institutional representatives with whom it is linked in its work, aspects that prevent the provision of comprehensive and multidisciplinary care.
This is a qualitative case study which investigates the factors that favour or limit the proper implementation and fulfilment of functions of the service from the "Casa de Refugio Temporal Santísima Trinidad" that is administered by the “Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo 2018- 2020", analysing the regulatory and management framework, the resources assigned, the services offered and the perception of the actors involved, to prepare a proposal for the improvement of this entity. The CRT ST, is a pioneering experience that arises prior to the approval of the regulations that gives place to these public services in the country, and is in charge of providing protection, shelter and food to women victims of violence whose integrity is in question at risk or in danger of femicide, despite the magnitude of the problem of violence against women, shelter homes are scarce services in the country. The research shows and concludes that a favourable factor for the service in question is its alignment with the regulations and institutional management of the local government and of its instruments in the care process for the women; among the limiting factors, is identified its weak sectoral and institutional structure, the scarce budget assigned, a non-specialized service personnel and the unfavourable perception of the institutional representatives with whom it is linked in its work, aspects that prevent the provision of comprehensive and multidisciplinary care.
Palabras clave
Servicios municipales--Administración--Perú--Junín--Huancayo, Albergues de mujeres--Perú--Junín--Huancayo, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú--Junín--Huancayo
Licencia Creative Commons
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