Competencias del Perfil del Egresado de Psicología PUCP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento describe las actividades realizadas que dan cuenta de las competencias del
perfil del egresado de la carrera de Psicología en la PUCP: diagnostica, interviene y evalúa. Para
la competencia diagnostica, se considera la evaluación psicológica de una niña de 8 años, realizada
desde el rol de practicante pre profesional en la Municipalidad de San Isidro. Esta se llevó a cabo
en base al modelo teórico psicoanalítico y consistió en la realización de entrevistas con la
consultante y sus padres, la aplicación de pruebas proyectivas, y la elaboración del informe
psicológico. En cuanto a la competencia interviene, se presenta la intervención diseñada y
ejecutada como parte del curso “Psicología y Desarrollo Integral”, con el objetivo de contribuir a
que un grupo de estudiantes de tercero de secundaria afronten de manera eficiente las situaciones
conflictivas entre los compañeros de aula. Para ello, se empleó como marco teórico el Modelo de
Afrontamiento de Lazarus y Folkman (1986), que clasifica las estrategias para enfrentarse al estrés
en tres grupos: orientadas al problema, orientadas a la emoción y evitativas. Finalmente, para la
competencia evalúa, se aborda la medición de los objetivos de la intervención antes mencionada:
que los estudiantes conozcan las estrategias de afrontamiento, puedan describir las que más
emplean, comprendan de manera teórica y práctica la estrategia de “planificación” y sean capaces
de emplearla en los conflictos con sus pares.
This document describes the activities through which the competencies expected of a Psychology graduate from PUCP were developed: Diagnostic skills, Intervention skills and Evaluation skills. For the Diagnostic competence, the psychological evaluation of an 8 year old girl is considered, which was performed as part of an internship at San Isidro Municipality. This evaluation was made from a psychoanalytic approach, and included interviews with the patient and her parents, projective tests and the elaboration of a psychological report. Regarding the Intervention competence, we present the intervention that was designed and carried out as part of the “Psychology and Integral Development” class. The objective was to help students in their third year of high school to efficiently manage conflicts with their peers. This was conducted using Lazarus and Folkman theory of stress and coping (1986) that classifies coping strategies into three groups: problem focused, emotion focused and avoidance focused. Finally, for the Evaluation competence, we assessed this intervention’s goals: that students were able to apply the planning strategy when confronted with peer conflicts, that they learned about the different coping strategies and were capable of describing the ones they use the most, and that they understood the planning strategy in a theoretical and practical way.
This document describes the activities through which the competencies expected of a Psychology graduate from PUCP were developed: Diagnostic skills, Intervention skills and Evaluation skills. For the Diagnostic competence, the psychological evaluation of an 8 year old girl is considered, which was performed as part of an internship at San Isidro Municipality. This evaluation was made from a psychoanalytic approach, and included interviews with the patient and her parents, projective tests and the elaboration of a psychological report. Regarding the Intervention competence, we present the intervention that was designed and carried out as part of the “Psychology and Integral Development” class. The objective was to help students in their third year of high school to efficiently manage conflicts with their peers. This was conducted using Lazarus and Folkman theory of stress and coping (1986) that classifies coping strategies into three groups: problem focused, emotion focused and avoidance focused. Finally, for the Evaluation competence, we assessed this intervention’s goals: that students were able to apply the planning strategy when confronted with peer conflicts, that they learned about the different coping strategies and were capable of describing the ones they use the most, and that they understood the planning strategy in a theoretical and practical way.
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