Planeamiento estratégico del gas natural en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La industria del gas natural peruano ha sido relevante en el crecimiento económico
del país de los últimos diez años debido a que provee de energía económica, ecológicamente
amigable y segura a diversas industrias del país. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo el
establecer las estrategias que permitan a la industria del gas natural peruano un crecimiento
sostenido y socialmente responsable para los próximos diez años.
Para concretar ese objetivo se realizó un análisis del entorno externo e interno con el
fin de identificar los factores de éxito de la industria, sus amenazas y oportunidades, sus
fortalezas y debilidades y plantear estrategias y objetivos. Se destacan como oportunidades el
crecimiento sostenido del país y la necesidad mundial de sustituir el petróleo por alternativas
más económicas y eco-amigables. Sin embargo, los altos índices de corrupción del país así
como los conflictos sociales plantean retos impostergables al Estado, la industria y la
sociedad para minimizar esas amenazas.
Asimismo el análisis reveló que la industria tiene capacidad de exportación y reservas
probadas para los próximos veinte años, sin embargo, los precios internacionales del gas han
bajado y el consumo interno residencial y vehicular aún es uno de los más bajos de la región,
por lo que existe el reto de la industria y del Estado en fomentar el crecimiento del mercado
interno y en el uso responsable del recurso gas natural.
En base al análisis anterior se plantearon siete objetivos de largo plazo y nueve
estrategias que buscan incrementar y fortalecer la demanda interna y externa, incentivar la
inversión en la industria y promover las buenas practicas de gobierno corporativo y de
responsabilidad social. Finalmente se plantean los objetivos de corto plazo, las políticas y los
indicadores de gestión que permiten evaluar y controlar la implementación de las estrategias
y realizar los ajustes necesarios de ser convenientes
Peruvian natural gas industry has been relevant in the country's economic growth over the last ten years because of inexpensive, environmentally friendly and safety energy supplies for various industries. This research aims to establish strategies for the peruvian natural gas industry in order to obtain sustained economic growth and socially responsible polities for the next twenty years. To realize this objective, an analysis of the external and internal environment to identify the success factors of the industry, its threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses and propose strategies and objectives has been made. Opportunities are highlighted as sustained growth of the country and the worldwide need to replace oil with cheaper and eco-friendly alternatives. However, high levels of corruption in the country and social conflicts reveals an urgent challenge to the State, industry and society in order to minimize these threads. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the industry has excellent export capabilities and proven gas reserves for the next twenty years. However, international gas prices are going down and residential and vehicular consumption are still one of the lowest in the Latin American, therefore there is a challenge of the industry and the State in order to promote growing of the domestic market and in the responsible use of natural gas resource. Based on the above analysis there was raised seven long-term goals and nine strategies that aim to increase and strengthen internal and external demand, encourage investment in the industry and promote best practices of corporate governance and social responsibility. Finally there was raised short-term objectives, policies and performance indicators to assess and monitor the implementation of the strategies and make adjustments if appropriate
Peruvian natural gas industry has been relevant in the country's economic growth over the last ten years because of inexpensive, environmentally friendly and safety energy supplies for various industries. This research aims to establish strategies for the peruvian natural gas industry in order to obtain sustained economic growth and socially responsible polities for the next twenty years. To realize this objective, an analysis of the external and internal environment to identify the success factors of the industry, its threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses and propose strategies and objectives has been made. Opportunities are highlighted as sustained growth of the country and the worldwide need to replace oil with cheaper and eco-friendly alternatives. However, high levels of corruption in the country and social conflicts reveals an urgent challenge to the State, industry and society in order to minimize these threads. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the industry has excellent export capabilities and proven gas reserves for the next twenty years. However, international gas prices are going down and residential and vehicular consumption are still one of the lowest in the Latin American, therefore there is a challenge of the industry and the State in order to promote growing of the domestic market and in the responsible use of natural gas resource. Based on the above analysis there was raised seven long-term goals and nine strategies that aim to increase and strengthen internal and external demand, encourage investment in the industry and promote best practices of corporate governance and social responsibility. Finally there was raised short-term objectives, policies and performance indicators to assess and monitor the implementation of the strategies and make adjustments if appropriate
Palabras clave
Gas natural -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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