Percepción de las madres sobre los beneficios a la salud de las niñas y los niños a partir de la atención en el servicio de control del crecimiento y desarrollo – CRED infantil, en el Centro Materno Infantil Juan Pablo II del Distrito de Villa el Salvador, Lima, para el periodo 2017 - 2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La desnutrición crónica infantil, es la forma de malnutrición más frecuente en el
país e indicador muy sensible de adversas condiciones para muchas niñas y
niños en sus primeros años de vida. Es así que el monitoreo del crecimiento y
desarrollo, a través del control del crecimiento y desarrollo de las niñas y los
niños (CRED), del Ministerio de Salud, es una estrategia que aspira a que la
vigilancia continua del peso y talla de la niña y el niño, permita llegar a las
familias, para brindarles educación para la provisión de mejores cuidados y
condiciones de vida de las niñas y los niños atendidos. La investigación se
justifica en la necesidad de obtener un mejor conocimiento sobre la calidad en
la provisión de este servicio, desde la percepción de las madres, decisivo para
mantener la continuidad del mismo, y que depende de la confianza de las
madres en las intervenciones del CRED. En tal sentido, el objetivo es conocer la
percepción de las madres sobre los beneficios en la salud de las niñas y los
niños menores de cinco años, que acuden al servicio CRED, recogiendo sus
necesidades y expectativas sobre la mejora de la salud de sus hijos. Las bases
teóricas del estudio se fundamentan en el desarrollo humano, en el enfoque de
inclusión social y en el derecho a la salud, bajo el supuesto de que contribuir a
una buena salud infantil, a partir de una adecuada oferta de atención en salud,
es parte de las oportunidades que las niñas y los niños deben tener durante su
crecimiento, de tal forma que asegure su adecuado desarrollo, además de
disminuir las inequidades y brechas en salud. La estrategia metodológica es el
enfoque cualitativo, para conocer las características de ejecución de una política
pública en salud infantil, desde su operatividad y desde la percepción de sus
beneficios por las madres de niñas y niños que acuden al servicio, y las
enfermeras que prestan la atención, en el Centro Materno Infantil Juan Pablo II,
en Villa El Salvador. Según los resultados, se concluye que la totalidad de
madres reconocen beneficios en la salud de sus hijos, particularmente en el
tema alimentario-nutricional, que satisfacen sus iniciales expectativas sobre el
servicio y que, dichos beneficios, tienen de por medio capacidades mejoradas de
las madres para el cuidado de sus hijos, las que se han logrado por el sistema
de educación-información de los proveedores durante los procesos de atención.
La expectativa actual de las madres, es que los servicios mejoren en la gestión, principalmente disminuyendo los actuales tiempos de espera, y mejorando la
dotación de insumos y equipos.
Childhood chronic malnutrition is the most frequent form of malnutrition in Peru and a very sensitive indicator of adverse conditions for many girls and boys in their first years of life. Thus, the monitoring of growth and development, through the control of the growth and development of girls and boys (CRED), of the Ministry of Health, is a strategy that aspires to the continuous monitoring of the weight and height of the girl and the child, allow to reach the families, to provide them with education for the provision of better care and living conditions of the girls and boys served. The research is justified in the need to obtain a better knowledge about the quality in the provision of this service, from the perception of the mothers, decisive to maintain its continuity, and that depends on the confidence of the mothers in the interventions of the CRED. In this sense, the objective of the research is to know the perception of mothers about the health benefits of girls and boys under five, who come to the CRED service, gathering their needs and expectations about improving health of their children. The theoretical basis of the study is based on human development, the approach to social inclusion and the right to health, under the assumption that contributing to good child health, based on an adequate offer of health care, is part of the opportunities that girls and boys must have during their growth, in such a way that ensures their adequate development, in addition to reducing inequities and gaps in health. The methodological strategy is the qualitative approach, to know the characteristics of the execution of a public policy in child health, from its operation and from the perception of its benefits by the mothers of girls and boys who attend the service, and the nurses who provide the attention, in the Juan Pablo II Maternal and Child Center, in Villa El Salvador. According to the results, it is concluded that all mothers recognize health benefits of their children, particularly in the food-nutritional issue, that meet their initial expectations about the service and that, these benefits, have improved capacities of mothers for the care of their children, which have been achieved by the provider's education-information system during the care processes. The current expectation of mothers is that services improve in management, mainly reducing current waiting times, and improving the provision of supplies and equipment.
Childhood chronic malnutrition is the most frequent form of malnutrition in Peru and a very sensitive indicator of adverse conditions for many girls and boys in their first years of life. Thus, the monitoring of growth and development, through the control of the growth and development of girls and boys (CRED), of the Ministry of Health, is a strategy that aspires to the continuous monitoring of the weight and height of the girl and the child, allow to reach the families, to provide them with education for the provision of better care and living conditions of the girls and boys served. The research is justified in the need to obtain a better knowledge about the quality in the provision of this service, from the perception of the mothers, decisive to maintain its continuity, and that depends on the confidence of the mothers in the interventions of the CRED. In this sense, the objective of the research is to know the perception of mothers about the health benefits of girls and boys under five, who come to the CRED service, gathering their needs and expectations about improving health of their children. The theoretical basis of the study is based on human development, the approach to social inclusion and the right to health, under the assumption that contributing to good child health, based on an adequate offer of health care, is part of the opportunities that girls and boys must have during their growth, in such a way that ensures their adequate development, in addition to reducing inequities and gaps in health. The methodological strategy is the qualitative approach, to know the characteristics of the execution of a public policy in child health, from its operation and from the perception of its benefits by the mothers of girls and boys who attend the service, and the nurses who provide the attention, in the Juan Pablo II Maternal and Child Center, in Villa El Salvador. According to the results, it is concluded that all mothers recognize health benefits of their children, particularly in the food-nutritional issue, that meet their initial expectations about the service and that, these benefits, have improved capacities of mothers for the care of their children, which have been achieved by the provider's education-information system during the care processes. The current expectation of mothers is that services improve in management, mainly reducing current waiting times, and improving the provision of supplies and equipment.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo infantil--Perú--Villa El Salvador (Lima : Distrito), Salud pública--Prevención--Perú, Servicios de salud infantil--Perú, Comunicación en salud pública--Perú
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