Apuntes sobre los derechos de las acciones sin voto
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Si bien la regulación de las acciones sin derecho a voto en la Ley General de Sociedades es en términos generales adecuada, hay algunos aspectos referidos a los derechos conferidos a sus titulares que han generado discusión en los últimos años. Nos referimos al contenido del dividendo preferencial que les corresponde a las acciones sin voto, así como al derecho de voto residual en juntas especiales y al alcance del derecho de suscripción preferente que les corresponde. En el presente artículo se opina sobre el tratamiento que debieran tener estos derechos, de tal manera que se pueda contribuir a un mayor uso de la figura de las acciones sin derecho a voto como mecanismo de capitalización y financiamiento en las sociedades anónimas.
Although the regulation of non-voting shares in the General Corporations Law is generally adequate, there are some aspects related to the rights conferred to their holders that have generated discussion in recent years. We refer to the content of the preferential dividend that corresponds to non-voting shares, as well as the residual voting right in special meetings and the scope of the preferential subscription right that corresponds to them. This article provides an opinion on the treatment that these rights should have, so as to contribute to a greater use of the figure of non-voting shares as a mechanism of capitalization and financing in corporations.
Although the regulation of non-voting shares in the General Corporations Law is generally adequate, there are some aspects related to the rights conferred to their holders that have generated discussion in recent years. We refer to the content of the preferential dividend that corresponds to non-voting shares, as well as the residual voting right in special meetings and the scope of the preferential subscription right that corresponds to them. This article provides an opinion on the treatment that these rights should have, so as to contribute to a greater use of the figure of non-voting shares as a mechanism of capitalization and financing in corporations.
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