Factores que determinan el nivel de calidad de servicio del programa Qaliwarma, durante la distribución de alimentos en instituciones educativas del nivel primario, como condición para mejorar la atención en clases y la asistencia de los estudiantes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Uno de principales problemas que contribuye a la desnutrición crónica infantil, es la
inadecuada ingesta de alimentos, que puede deberse a un problema de insuficiente
cantidad y/o a una deficiente calidad de los alimentos, que hacen una insuficiente
ingesta de calorías en relación a los requerimientos diarios. Como consecuencia,
los niños presentan problemas en la atención en clase y la respuesta a estímulos y
la memoria, haciendo que progresen más lentamente en la escuela, tengan un
menor desempeño y tengan peores resultados en pruebas cognitivas, lo cual los
predispone a un bajo nivel de aprendizaje y de desarrollo, incluso cuando adultos.
Sobre la base de la ENAHO (2011), el déficit calórico (calculado sobre el total de
niños que asisten a educación inicial o primaria) es mayor entre los más pobres:
76.4% en los pobres extremos, 40% entre los pobres y 16.3% entre los no pobres.
Además, se tiene un mayor déficit calórico en los niños que asisten a II.EE. públicas
(32.1%) que entre los que asisten a II.EE. privadas (19.8%). En ese sentido el
Estado peruano pretende enfrentar este problema, a través del Programa Nacional
de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma, cuya finalidad es la entrega de alimentación a
estudiantes del nivel primario e inicial, en término de suficiencia y de calidad.
El programa al brindar su servicio pretende la entrega de alimentos en condiciones
de calidad e inocuidad bajo el principio de corresponsabilidad, que implica la
participación y el compromiso de diferentes actores, de quienes básicamente
depende en gran medida la concreción de las acciones y/o procedimientos
establecidos por el programa. En la práctica, durante el inicio de su implementación,
se habría presentado problemas que afectaron la salud de los usuarios de algunas
instituciones educativas (los mismos que fueron identificados y dados a conocer por
los medios de comunicación en principio por ser un foco de atención que generó
expectativas en los políticos y la población misma, sin embargo, en la actualidad
poco se conoce de los problemas que se presentan, por haber pasado su atención
a segundo plano de interés). Este hecho supone que el programa tendría algunas
dificultades durante su implementación, que poco se conoce en la actualidad.
Asimismo, el programa dentro de uno de sus objetivos específicos plantea contribuir
a la atención en clases para el aprendizaje escolar. Al respecto según datos de la
ECE en Madre de Dios, el nivel de aprendizaje escolar mantiene cambios cíclicos,
en vista a que el año 2012 el 19.6% de estudiantes del segundo año escolar,
obtuvo en comprensión lectora un resultado satisfactorio; sin embargo, a un año de
la implementación del programa, este nivel de aprendizaje disminuye al 17.7%,
mientras que a partir del año siguiente (2014) se incrementa al 33.6% y el 2015 al
40%. Caso similar sucede con el aprendizaje en Matemática donde el 2012 el 6.8%
de estudiantes obtienen un resultado de aprendizaje satisfactorio, disminuyendo al
año siguiente (2013) al 5.4%, mientras que se incrementa el 2014 al 17.1% y el
2015 al 17.6%. Si bien los factores del aprendizaje son múltiples, se desconoce si la
implementación del programa estaría afectando en estos resultados, lo que genera
un interrogante para la presente investigación.
Si bien el Programa de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma brinda el servicio en II.EE.
del nivel inicial y primario, la presente investigación se concentra solo en el servicio
alimentario del segundo nivel pertenecientes al distrito de Tambopata y trata sobre
la percepción de los usuarios y los actores involucrados en la alimentación escolar,
frente a la calidad de servicio del programa. Quienes a partir de su propia
experiencia, conocimiento y/o referencia, arman sus juicios de valoración y sus
niveles de satisfacción, teniendo como referencia próxima la implementación de las
actividades y/o procedimientos y sobre todo los alimentos escolares recibidos en
cada una de las instituciones educativas del nivel primario, hecho que más allá de
lo planteado por el mismo programa, es percibido en la práctica por los usuarios,
directores, docentes y padres integrantes del Comité de Alimentación Escolar.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, el conocer los factores que
determinan el nivel de la calidad del servicio del programa Qali Warma, durante la
distribución y servido de alimentos en las instituciones educativas del nivel primario
de Tambopata durante el 2016, analizando la participación, compromiso y
percepción de los actores involucrados, para mejorar la calidad del servicio.
Con los resultados de la presente investigación se pueden identificar los principales
problemas y debilidades manifestados en las instituciones educativas durante la
implementación del servicio de alimentación escolar. Asimismo, se puede identificar
el grado de aceptabilidad de los alimentos brindados por el programa y el grado de
satisfacción de los usuarios, situación que no solo puede ser característico del
distrito de Tambopata, sino de otros ámbitos territoriales. En ese sentido, los
problemas identificados, pueden ser utilizados como referencia básica durante la
toma de decisiones, con el propósito de superarlos y sobre todo lograr la legitimidad
y la consolidación de las acciones que conllevan a una buena calidad de servicio
del programa
One of the most principal problems that contributes to the infantile chronic malnutrition, is the inadequate ingestation of foods that could be due to a problem of insufficient quantity and faulty quality of the foods that make an insufficient ingestation of calories in relation to the daily requirements. As consequence, the children present problems in class´s attention and the answer to stimulus and the memory, making that they progress more slowly in the school, have a smaller acting and have worse results in tests cognitivas, that which predisposes them at a low learning level and of development, even when adults. According the ENAHO (2011), the caloric deficit (calculated of total children from initial or primary education) is bigger between the poorest: 76.4% in extreme poverty, 40% between the poor and 16.3% between the non-poor. Also, there are a bigger caloric deficit in the children that attend public II.EE. (32.1%) in comparation those that attend private II.EE. (19.8%). In that sense the Peruvian State look for problem face, through the Escolar Food National Program Qali Warma whose purpose is the feeding delivery to students of the primary and initial level, in term of sufficiency and quality. The program, when providing its service, pretend the delivery of foods with quality conditions and safety, under co-responsibility principle, that implies the participation and the commitment of different actors whose basically depends in great measure the actions´s concretion and procedures set up by the program. In the practice, during the beginning of their implementation, it would have been presented problems that affected the health of the users from some educational institutions (the same ones that were identified and showed to the Media, in principle to be a focus of attention that generated expectations in the politicians and the population, although nowadays the problems are bit known that are presented, because their attention passed to second plane of interesting). This fact supposes that the program would have some difficulties during its implementation and this is bit known at the present time. Also, the program inside one of its specific objectives outlines to contribute to the attention in classes for the school learning. According about to data of the ECE in "Madre de Dios", the level of school learning keep recurrent changes, in 2012, 6 19.6% of students in the second year obtained in comprehension reading a satisfactory result, however, one year later of the program´s implementation, this learning level decrees to 17.7%, while in 2014 it is increased in 33.6% and in 2015 to 40%. Similar case it happens to the learning in Mathematics, in 2012, 6.8% of students obtains a result of satisfactory learning, decreasing the next year (2013) in 5.4%, while it is increased in 2014 in 17.1% and 2015 in 17.6%. Although the learning´s factors are multiple, it is ignored if the program´s implementation affecting these results, that generates a consult in the present investigation. Although Escolar Food National Program Qali Warma offers the service in II.EE. of the initial and primary level, the present investigation concentrates only in the alimentary service in the second level of the Tambopata district, and it is about of the users perception and the actors involved in the school Food, in front of the quality of service of the program. From their own experience, knowledge and it indexes, they arm their trials of valuation and their levels of satisfaction, having like reference the implementation of the activities and/or procedures and principally the school foods received in each one of the educational institutions the primary level, fact that beyond that outlined by the same program, it is perceived in the practice by the users, directors, educational, parents and integral of the committee of school food. The present investigation has a principal objective, knowing the factors that determine the level of the quality service of the program Qali Warma, during the distribution and served of foods in the educational institutions of the primary level in Tambopata during the 2016, analyzing the participation, commitment and the involved actors' perception, to improve the service´s quality. The results of the present investigation to be permit identify the principal problems and debilities manifested in the educational institutions during the implementation of the service school Food. Also you will could identify the grade of acceptability of the foods offered by the program and the grade of the users' satisfaction, situation that not only it can be characteristic of Tambopata district, otherwise other territorial environments. The identified problems can be used as basic reference during the taking of decisions, with the purpose of overcoming them and mainly to achieve the genuineness and the consolidation of the actions that will carry on good quality of the program´s service.
One of the most principal problems that contributes to the infantile chronic malnutrition, is the inadequate ingestation of foods that could be due to a problem of insufficient quantity and faulty quality of the foods that make an insufficient ingestation of calories in relation to the daily requirements. As consequence, the children present problems in class´s attention and the answer to stimulus and the memory, making that they progress more slowly in the school, have a smaller acting and have worse results in tests cognitivas, that which predisposes them at a low learning level and of development, even when adults. According the ENAHO (2011), the caloric deficit (calculated of total children from initial or primary education) is bigger between the poorest: 76.4% in extreme poverty, 40% between the poor and 16.3% between the non-poor. Also, there are a bigger caloric deficit in the children that attend public II.EE. (32.1%) in comparation those that attend private II.EE. (19.8%). In that sense the Peruvian State look for problem face, through the Escolar Food National Program Qali Warma whose purpose is the feeding delivery to students of the primary and initial level, in term of sufficiency and quality. The program, when providing its service, pretend the delivery of foods with quality conditions and safety, under co-responsibility principle, that implies the participation and the commitment of different actors whose basically depends in great measure the actions´s concretion and procedures set up by the program. In the practice, during the beginning of their implementation, it would have been presented problems that affected the health of the users from some educational institutions (the same ones that were identified and showed to the Media, in principle to be a focus of attention that generated expectations in the politicians and the population, although nowadays the problems are bit known that are presented, because their attention passed to second plane of interesting). This fact supposes that the program would have some difficulties during its implementation and this is bit known at the present time. Also, the program inside one of its specific objectives outlines to contribute to the attention in classes for the school learning. According about to data of the ECE in "Madre de Dios", the level of school learning keep recurrent changes, in 2012, 6 19.6% of students in the second year obtained in comprehension reading a satisfactory result, however, one year later of the program´s implementation, this learning level decrees to 17.7%, while in 2014 it is increased in 33.6% and in 2015 to 40%. Similar case it happens to the learning in Mathematics, in 2012, 6.8% of students obtains a result of satisfactory learning, decreasing the next year (2013) in 5.4%, while it is increased in 2014 in 17.1% and 2015 in 17.6%. Although the learning´s factors are multiple, it is ignored if the program´s implementation affecting these results, that generates a consult in the present investigation. Although Escolar Food National Program Qali Warma offers the service in II.EE. of the initial and primary level, the present investigation concentrates only in the alimentary service in the second level of the Tambopata district, and it is about of the users perception and the actors involved in the school Food, in front of the quality of service of the program. From their own experience, knowledge and it indexes, they arm their trials of valuation and their levels of satisfaction, having like reference the implementation of the activities and/or procedures and principally the school foods received in each one of the educational institutions the primary level, fact that beyond that outlined by the same program, it is perceived in the practice by the users, directors, educational, parents and integral of the committee of school food. The present investigation has a principal objective, knowing the factors that determine the level of the quality service of the program Qali Warma, during the distribution and served of foods in the educational institutions of the primary level in Tambopata during the 2016, analyzing the participation, commitment and the involved actors' perception, to improve the service´s quality. The results of the present investigation to be permit identify the principal problems and debilities manifested in the educational institutions during the implementation of the service school Food. Also you will could identify the grade of acceptability of the foods offered by the program and the grade of the users' satisfaction, situation that not only it can be characteristic of Tambopata district, otherwise other territorial environments. The identified problems can be used as basic reference during the taking of decisions, with the purpose of overcoming them and mainly to achieve the genuineness and the consolidation of the actions that will carry on good quality of the program´s service.
Palabras clave
Programas sociales--Perú--Madre de Dios, Política alimentaria--Perú--Madre de Dios, Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar Qali Warma (Perú), Desnutrición--Perú--Madre de Dios
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