Procedimiento policial para disminuir los accidentes de tránsito provocados por conductores ebrios en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
En el Perú, los accidentes de tránsito causados por personas al volante bajo los efectos del
alcohol configuran uno de los principales problemas asociados a la seguridad pública. En un país
como el nuestro, en el que existe falta de conciencia vial por parte de peatones y conductores y
poca claridad de las normas, emerge el incumplimiento de las normas de tránsito e impunidad,
generado también por la falta de una adecuada estrategia e implementación de un procedimiento
operativo preventivo que garantice el cumplimiento de la normativa vial.
Este proyecto de innovación persigue, en primer lugar, caracterizar la problemática
planteada en nuestro país y específicamente en Lima Metropolitana, sobre la grave crisis que
viene atravesando la seguridad vial a causa del consumo de alcohol y, en segundo lugar, exponer
que el Estado peruano, a través de sus instituciones a cargo de fiscalizar normas de tránsito, no
cuenta con una estrategia adecuada para evitar los accidentes de tránsito.
De lo señalado, se establece que la seguridad pública viene siendo afectada por el
incremento de accidentes de tránsito causado por la conducción en estado de ebriedad; por lo
cual, la implementación de un procedimiento operativo preventivo con uso de tecnología que esté
destinado a la detección e intervención de conductores en estado de etílico, se propone a
disminuir el número de dichos accidentes, cuyas consecuencias pueden ser fatales.
In Peru, traffic accidents caused by people driving under the influence of alcohol are one of the main problems associated with public safety. In a country like ours, where there is a lack of road awareness on the part of pedestrians and drivers and little clarity of the rules, non-compliance with traffic regulations and impunity emerge, also generated by the lack of an adequate strategy and implementation of a preventive operational procedure to ensure compliance with road regulations. This innovation project aims, firstly, to characterize the problem in our country and specifically in Metropolitan Lima, regarding the serious crisis that road safety is going through due to alcohol consumption and, secondly, to show that the Peruvian State, through its institutions in charge of enforcing traffic regulations, does not have an adequate strategy to prevent traffic accidents. From the above, it is established that public safety is being affected by the increase of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving; therefore, the implementation of a preventive operative procedure with the use of technology aimed at the detection and intervention of drunk drivers is proposed to reduce the number of such accidents, whose consequences can be fatal.
In Peru, traffic accidents caused by people driving under the influence of alcohol are one of the main problems associated with public safety. In a country like ours, where there is a lack of road awareness on the part of pedestrians and drivers and little clarity of the rules, non-compliance with traffic regulations and impunity emerge, also generated by the lack of an adequate strategy and implementation of a preventive operational procedure to ensure compliance with road regulations. This innovation project aims, firstly, to characterize the problem in our country and specifically in Metropolitan Lima, regarding the serious crisis that road safety is going through due to alcohol consumption and, secondly, to show that the Peruvian State, through its institutions in charge of enforcing traffic regulations, does not have an adequate strategy to prevent traffic accidents. From the above, it is established that public safety is being affected by the increase of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving; therefore, the implementation of a preventive operative procedure with the use of technology aimed at the detection and intervention of drunk drivers is proposed to reduce the number of such accidents, whose consequences can be fatal.