Prolegómenos de la democracia y la primera Constitución del siglo XXII (1979-1980)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los doce años del Gobierno Revolucionario de las Fuerzas Armadas mostraron una serie de transformaciones que debían constar en la Constitución;la más conocida fue la intervención estatal en la economía, que incidió en lossectores agrario, industrial y educativo, entre otros. La más trascendental fuela propuesta de los legisladores de colocar a la Constitución como norma suprema y protectora de los derechos fundamentales que revalore la dignidaddel hombre como eje de la sociedad y del Estado, a partir del neoconstitucionalismo. Así, el derecho dejaba el análisis exclusivamente legal para sustituirlo por uno que abarcaba la interpretación como principio, argumento y contexto, vinculada con este prolegómeno.
The twelve years of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces showed a series of transformations that should be included in the Constitution; the best known was the state intervention in the economy, which had animpact on the agricultural, industrial and educational sectors, among others. The most momentous was the proposal by legislators to put the Constitutionas the supreme rule and protective of fundamental rights that revalues humandignity at the heart of society and the state, taking into account the neoconstitutionalism perspective. Thus, the law put aside the analysis based exclusively on legal issues replacing it with an analysis that encompasses the interpretationas a principle, argument and context, which is linked with this prelude.
The twelve years of the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces showed a series of transformations that should be included in the Constitution; the best known was the state intervention in the economy, which had animpact on the agricultural, industrial and educational sectors, among others. The most momentous was the proposal by legislators to put the Constitutionas the supreme rule and protective of fundamental rights that revalues humandignity at the heart of society and the state, taking into account the neoconstitutionalism perspective. Thus, the law put aside the analysis based exclusively on legal issues replacing it with an analysis that encompasses the interpretationas a principle, argument and context, which is linked with this prelude.
Palabras clave
Estado, Gobierno Revolucionario de las Fuerzas Armadas, Derecho Social, Derechos, Constitución
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