Perú, 2001-2005: crecimiento económico y pobreza
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
Es casi un lugar común afirmar que el crecimiento económico registrado en los últimos años no ha tenido un correlato en el bienestar microeconómico. Se argumenta que el patrón de crecimiento actual no permite trasladar los frutos del crecimiento económico hacia los sectores más pobres de la población. En este documento buscaremos mostrar que, en primer lugar, en términos teóricos, es muy difícil sustentar que un proceso de crecimiento económico generalizado, a nivel de sectores productivos y por regiones, no contribuya a la disminución de la pobreza. En segundo lugar, en el frente más importante, el de los hechos, buscaremos mostrar que las afirmaciones del primer párrafo de este documento, tanto las vinculadas al “patrón de crecimiento” como a las de la pobreza e incluso las relativas al tema de desigualdad, no guardan correspondencia con lo observado. Adelantamos una conclusión: el crecimiento económico generalizado y sostenido es una condición indispensable y suficiente para reducir la pobreza a lo largo del tiempo.
It is common to state that the economic growth registered in the last few years has not been correlated with microeconomic welfare. In relation to that idea latter, it is augmented that the actual growth pattern does not allow the spillover of economic growth’s results to the poorer sectors of the economy.In this document we will try to show that, firstly, in theoretical terms, it is very hard to support that a generalized process of economic growth ¾in the levels of productive sectors and by regions¾ does not contribute to diminishing poverty. Secondly, in terms of Peruvian economy facts, we will try to demonstrate that the statements of the first paragraph of this document, as well as the ones linked to the idea of a “biased growth pattern”, and the arguments about poverty and inequality increments, does not have correspondence to what is actually observed. We could make a preliminary conclusion: generalized and sustained economic growth is an indispensable and sufficient condition to reduce poverty in the long term.
It is common to state that the economic growth registered in the last few years has not been correlated with microeconomic welfare. In relation to that idea latter, it is augmented that the actual growth pattern does not allow the spillover of economic growth’s results to the poorer sectors of the economy.In this document we will try to show that, firstly, in theoretical terms, it is very hard to support that a generalized process of economic growth ¾in the levels of productive sectors and by regions¾ does not contribute to diminishing poverty. Secondly, in terms of Peruvian economy facts, we will try to demonstrate that the statements of the first paragraph of this document, as well as the ones linked to the idea of a “biased growth pattern”, and the arguments about poverty and inequality increments, does not have correspondence to what is actually observed. We could make a preliminary conclusion: generalized and sustained economic growth is an indispensable and sufficient condition to reduce poverty in the long term.
Palabras clave
Crecimiento económico, Pobreza--Perú--2001-2005
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