Calidad en el servicio al cliente en el sector educación de carreras universitarias de pregrado de la universidad ESAN
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación superior se convirtió en un instrumento importante para el crecimiento y
desarrollo de cada país. El Perú no es ajeno a esta realidad por lo cual deben plantearse
estrategias para superar la calidad de enseñanza en las universidades por lo que su
aseguramiento de calidad es fundamental. Por tanto, esta investigación respaldada por un
marco teórico es la primera de su tipo como aporte al sector educación superior.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo validar las dimensiones del modelo
HEDPERF en las carreras universitarias de pregrado de la universidad ESAN en Lima
Metropolitana. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional, no
experimental de corte transversal y explicativo a través de la toma de encuestas (41 preguntas
agrupadas) a los alumnos de pregrado que cursan las carreras profesionales Administración y
Finanzas, Administración y Marketing, Economía y Negocios Internacionales, Ingeniería en
Gestión Ambiental, Ingeniería Industrial y Comercial, Derecho Corporativo, Psicología
Organizacional, Psicología del Consumidor, Ingeniería de Tecnología de Información y
Sistemas. Para ello, la investigación tiene como eje la relación entre las variables
independientes a través de seis dimensiones: (1) aspectos académicos, (2) aspectos no
académicos, (3) reputación, (4) acceso, (5) programas académicos, y (6) entendimiento y la
variable dependiente de la calidad del servicio percibida por los alumnos tomando como
muestra total de 830 personas en la universidad ESAN.
Mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio se validó estadísticamente la relación
entre las seis dimensiones y la percepción de la calidad. Los resultados de esta investigación
comprobaron la validez y confiabilidad del modelo HEDPERF cuentan con una relación
positiva y significativa en la calidad percibida por los estudiantes de carreras universitarias.
Finalmente, esta investigación contribuye como herramienta para medir el nivel de
calidad del servicio en el sector de educación superior del Perú.
Higher education became an important instrument for the growth and development of each country. Peru isn´t stranger to this reality, so strategies must be developed to improve the quality of teaching in universities and quality assurance is essential. Therefore, this research supported by a theoretical framework is the first of its kind as a contribution to the higher education sector. The present investigation has the objective of validating the dimensions of the HEDPERF model in undergraduate careers of ESAN University in Metropolitan Lima. This research has a quantitative, correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional and explanatory approach through survey taking (41 grouped questions) to undergraduate students in the professional careers of Management and Finance, Management and Marketing, Economics and International Business, Environmental Management Engineering, Industrial and Commercial Engineering, Corporate Law, Organizational Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Information Technology and Systems Engineering. To this end, the research focuses on the relation between the independent variables across six dimensions: (1) academic aspects (2) non-academic aspects, (3) reputation, (4) access, (5) programme issues and (6) understanding and the variable dependent on the quality of service perceived by students, taking as a total of 830 people at the ESAN University. The relationship between the six dimensions and quality perception was statistically validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this investigation proved the validity and reliability of the HEDPERF model with a positive and significant relationship in the quality perceived by university students. Finally, this research contributes as a tool to measure the level of quality service in the Peruvian higher education sector.
Higher education became an important instrument for the growth and development of each country. Peru isn´t stranger to this reality, so strategies must be developed to improve the quality of teaching in universities and quality assurance is essential. Therefore, this research supported by a theoretical framework is the first of its kind as a contribution to the higher education sector. The present investigation has the objective of validating the dimensions of the HEDPERF model in undergraduate careers of ESAN University in Metropolitan Lima. This research has a quantitative, correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional and explanatory approach through survey taking (41 grouped questions) to undergraduate students in the professional careers of Management and Finance, Management and Marketing, Economics and International Business, Environmental Management Engineering, Industrial and Commercial Engineering, Corporate Law, Organizational Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Information Technology and Systems Engineering. To this end, the research focuses on the relation between the independent variables across six dimensions: (1) academic aspects (2) non-academic aspects, (3) reputation, (4) access, (5) programme issues and (6) understanding and the variable dependent on the quality of service perceived by students, taking as a total of 830 people at the ESAN University. The relationship between the six dimensions and quality perception was statistically validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this investigation proved the validity and reliability of the HEDPERF model with a positive and significant relationship in the quality perceived by university students. Finally, this research contributes as a tool to measure the level of quality service in the Peruvian higher education sector.
Palabras clave
Calidad del servicio al cliente--Educación superior, Calidad de la educación superior--Evaluación--Perú
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