Modelo prolab: Kambia programa de entrenamiento en habilidades blandas haciendo uso de la realidad virtual
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe se centra en la conceptualización y esbozo de un proyecto empresarial
diseñado especialmente para los profesionales en los sectores de manufactura, minería y
servicios, con el fin de intensificar sus habilidades blandas. A medida que estos
colaboradores se desarrollen en estas áreas, es razonable asumir mejoras en la eficiencia,
ambiente laboral y valor agregado para las empresas, alineándose más estrechamente con los
objetivos corporativos.
El plan de negocio está diseñado para KAMBIA SAC, una organización que busca
realzar destrezas de habilidades blandas, con especial énfasis en el trabajo colaborativo, una
competencia altamente solicitada por las corporaciones contemporáneas. En términos del
método de capacitación, se pretende usar la realidad virtual para sumergir a los colaboradores
en escenarios prácticos, imitando desafíos que puedan surgir en su ambiente laboral,
aprovechando de esta manera la vanguardia tecnológica.
Principalmente se dirigió a colaboradores de empresas situadas en las regiones de La
Libertad, Piura, Ancash, Lima y Arequipa. Estas empresas poseen los recursos para invertir
en el perfeccionamiento de su personal en destrezas interpersonales, y anticipamos un
incremento de un 25% anual en la demanda. Iniciaríamos con 225 empresas en el primer año,
con una meta de alcanzar a 555 empresas para el quinto año. El punto fuerte radica en una
formación que integra prácticas en 3D, dirigida por facilitadores altamente capacitados.
La herramienta que usamos combina la inteligencia artificial con simulaciones
prácticas, aplicaciones pedagógicas y cursos en línea. Desde una perspectiva financiera, el
proyecto requiere una inversión inicial que, según los cálculos, generará un VANE de
1,018,535.41 dólares americanos y un TIRE de 171% en cinco años. Además, el VAN social
asciende a 2,050,558.16 dólares, fortaleciendo la propuesta con un impacto positivo en
términos sociales.
This report focuses on the conceptualization and outline of a business project specially designed for professionals in the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors, with the aim of enhancing their soft skills. As these collaborators develop in these areas, it's reasonable to assume improvements in efficiency, workplace environment, and added value for companies, aligning more closely with corporate objectives. The business plan is designed for KAMBIA SAC, an organization that aims to soft skills, with a particular emphasis on collaborative work, a competence highly requested by contemporary corporations. In terms of the training method, we intend to use virtual reality to immerse collaborators in practical scenarios, mimicking challenges that might arise in their work environment, thus taking advantage of cutting-edge technology. We mainly target collaborators from companies located in the regions of La Libertad, Piura, Ancash, Lima, and Arequipa. These companies have the resources to invest in the enhancement of their staff's interpersonal skills, and we anticipate a 25% annual increase in demand. We would start with 225 companies in the first year, with a goal of reaching 555 companies by the fifth year. Our strength lies in training that integrates 3D practices, led by highly trained facilitators. The tool we use combines artificial intelligence with practical simulations, pedagogical applications, and online courses. From a financial perspective, the project requires an initial investment which, according to calculations, will generate a NPV of 1,018,535.41 US dollars and an IRR of 171% in five years. Furthermore, the social NPV amounts to 2,050,558.16 dollars, strengthening the proposal with a positive impact in social terms.
This report focuses on the conceptualization and outline of a business project specially designed for professionals in the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors, with the aim of enhancing their soft skills. As these collaborators develop in these areas, it's reasonable to assume improvements in efficiency, workplace environment, and added value for companies, aligning more closely with corporate objectives. The business plan is designed for KAMBIA SAC, an organization that aims to soft skills, with a particular emphasis on collaborative work, a competence highly requested by contemporary corporations. In terms of the training method, we intend to use virtual reality to immerse collaborators in practical scenarios, mimicking challenges that might arise in their work environment, thus taking advantage of cutting-edge technology. We mainly target collaborators from companies located in the regions of La Libertad, Piura, Ancash, Lima, and Arequipa. These companies have the resources to invest in the enhancement of their staff's interpersonal skills, and we anticipate a 25% annual increase in demand. We would start with 225 companies in the first year, with a goal of reaching 555 companies by the fifth year. Our strength lies in training that integrates 3D practices, led by highly trained facilitators. The tool we use combines artificial intelligence with practical simulations, pedagogical applications, and online courses. From a financial perspective, the project requires an initial investment which, according to calculations, will generate a NPV of 1,018,535.41 US dollars and an IRR of 171% in five years. Furthermore, the social NPV amounts to 2,050,558.16 dollars, strengthening the proposal with a positive impact in social terms.
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