Baja calidad de las investigaciones administrativo disciplinarias en la Oficina de Disciplina N° 7 de la Inspectoría General PNP, año 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de las investigaciones
administrativas disciplinarias en las Oficinas de Disciplina de Inspectoría General PNP, en
la búsqueda de una correcta administración de la disciplina policial, estableciendo la
responsabilidad de una probable infracción al Régimen Disciplinario Policial (RDP) o algún
articulado del ordenamiento legal.
La hipótesis presentada se basa en las causas relevantes de la baja calidad de las
investigaciones administrativo disciplinarias en la OD N° 7 de la IG PNP, debido a la
limitada especialización en asuntos administrativo disciplinarios de los auxiliares de
investigación, carencia de condiciones de motivación laboral y una deficiente política de
calidad del servicio.
En el presente estudio, se empleó el tipo descriptivo, hallándose información significativa,
bajo los instrumentos formulados y aplicados al personal que labora en el Sistema
Disciplinario Policial. Asimismo, el prototipo fue validado en el proceso de testeo de
expertos, concluyéndose en la propuesta del prototipo final: elaboración de una directiva
para el proceso de recategorización de los suboficiales PNP a la categoría de oficiales de
servicio jurídico policial en el grado de capitán de servicios, el documento propuesto es
perfectible de acuerdo a su trámite administrativo.
La directiva propuesta permitirá identificar las capacidades, potencialidades, aptitudes e
idoneidad que deben tener el personal PNP que logre su recategorizacion como oficial del
servicio jurídico, para su asignación a las oficinas correspondientes.
The objective of the research work is to improve the quality of administrative disciplinary investigations in the Disciplinary Offices of the PNP Inspector General, in the search for correct administration of police discipline, establishing responsibility for a probable violation of the Police Disciplinary Regime (RDP). ) or any article of the legal system. The hypothesis presented is based on the relevant causes of the low quality of disciplinary administrative investigations in OD No. 7 of the IG PNP, due to the limited specialization in disciplinary administrative matters of research assistants, lack of work motivation conditions and a poor service quality policy. In the present study, the descriptive type was used, finding significant information under the instruments formulated and applied to personnel who work in the Police Disciplinary System. Likewise, the prototype was validated in the expert testing process, concluding in the proposal for the final prototype: preparation of a directive for the process of recategorization of PNP noncommissioned officers to the category of police legal service officers in the rank of captain. services, the proposed document can be perfected according to its administrative procedure. The proposed directive will make it possible to identify the capabilities, potential, aptitudes and suitability that PNP personnel who achieve their recategorization as legal service officers must have, for assignment to the corresponding offices.
The objective of the research work is to improve the quality of administrative disciplinary investigations in the Disciplinary Offices of the PNP Inspector General, in the search for correct administration of police discipline, establishing responsibility for a probable violation of the Police Disciplinary Regime (RDP). ) or any article of the legal system. The hypothesis presented is based on the relevant causes of the low quality of disciplinary administrative investigations in OD No. 7 of the IG PNP, due to the limited specialization in disciplinary administrative matters of research assistants, lack of work motivation conditions and a poor service quality policy. In the present study, the descriptive type was used, finding significant information under the instruments formulated and applied to personnel who work in the Police Disciplinary System. Likewise, the prototype was validated in the expert testing process, concluding in the proposal for the final prototype: preparation of a directive for the process of recategorization of PNP noncommissioned officers to the category of police legal service officers in the rank of captain. services, the proposed document can be perfected according to its administrative procedure. The proposed directive will make it possible to identify the capabilities, potential, aptitudes and suitability that PNP personnel who achieve their recategorization as legal service officers must have, for assignment to the corresponding offices.
Palabras clave
Policía Nacional (Perú)--Disciplina, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Administración pública--Perú
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